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 I'm Emily, I'm adopted from the Wood's residence in England. I have 5 older "siblings". We are all completely unrelated by blood but were all adopted by my beautiful and amazing mother, Lillia Wood. To my very unexpected and heart broken surprise, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and has passed away since the doctors caught it too late. It's been a very rough recovery for me since I felt that she was the only one that I could ever really talk to since all of my siblings were either involved with drugs, alcohol, e.t.c.. so they were usually off busy partying and even when they were home they were too hung over/high to pay any notice to me which is fine since whenever they did it ended with me having a broken arm or black eye. It wasn't all that bad though, my mother usually understood what was going on and tried to keep me away from the other siblings as much as possible so we got much closer than she did with anyone else.

The upside of this devastating situation with my mother passing, is that she knew that any money that she left the siblings would be quickly spent on substances so she left her entire inheritance to me. Leaving the rest of the siblings with a letter of her saying that she wished she could've been closer with them or the she could understand them more. How do I know this? Well, being the executor of her will, I was the one who delivered the letters to them and watched as they opened it, scanned the letter for any money, and proceeded to throw it in the trash and storm out of the room cursing.

I had something very different on my letter though. Mine had addressed that she loved and adored me along with the fact that when she adopted me I was so sad because I didn't want to leave my brother. My brother. I never knew that I had one so this was incredibly shocking to me. She said that the last gift she wanted to give me-besides the massive amount of inheritance I was receiving from her- was the address to my brother's house in Sacramento California along with his name. Anthony, Anthony Marks. She also said how I should use the inheritance money that I have to get to him since she isn't here for me anymore. It's a big leap to take but I guess it's my only chance.

I hope that unlike me, Anthony may have a slight clue as to who I am so he won't be as confused. The last thing I want to does frighten him or to think that I'm insane.

Everything is so up in the air at moment but one thing that I know for sure is that this will be a very long, interesting ride.

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