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I tossed and turned a bit till I eventually convinced myself to open my eyes.

When I did, I was met with a similar view to the morning before. Ian with his bowl of cereal.

However, this time he was eating while sitting on the wooden chair across the room, looking directly at me.

I squinted in confusion.

"Are you trying to get back at me by watching me sleep now? Not cool." I slightly joked.

Ian scoffed.

"Oh silly, I just wanted to have a little chat with you before your brother wakes up." He sarcastically responded.

Being that I just woke up, I was feeling a little bit less socially considerate than I usually do.

"Come to accuse me of lying again? That's a shocker."

Ian just squinted back at me.

"I overheard you talking about how you had no idea that Anthony and I had a following the first night you got here."

I nodded my head.

"Yes, and?"

He then raised an eyebrow at me.

"So right now, you're telling me that that statement is absolutely true?"

I nodded my head again, with my eyes squinted even more having no idea what he was talking about.

And then it hit me. My eyes widened.

"Oh, I know what you're going on about. You were actually looking at my search history last night and saw that I was looking into you guys yesterday while at the studio."

"So she can think."

"Okay, so what? That doesn't prove anything."

"No that proves everything, we were all over your search history."

"So you're saying that if you found out your alleged brother was famous you wouldn't look it up?"

Ian fell silent.

"Did you even look further back in to my history? And see that there was nothing there about you two or your company?"

Ian shrugged.

"Internet history can be deleted."

"You really think that I would've gone all the way back to who knows when to delete every individual link of history that involves you two? And that if I did all that, that I would've forgotten to do it yesterday? The easiest place to find and delete evidence? How stupid do you think I am?"

Ian glanced around the room, probably looking for another angle to be right.

"Maybe you left it there to prove that you don't know us, and you're so confident that you left that history there for me to find."

I laughed at his sad attempt at an interrogation.

"This is ridiculous, I believe that I've been very understanding but at this point you're being paranoid. I've been nothing but transparent with you throughout this and all that it's doing is making you more determined to find some flaw in my story."

I felt a bunch of anger and heat build up in me, like I never had the confidence to before.

"Maybe I do just need to go, this is all so much and clearly, I'm intruding."

Ian looked very agitated as well. He smiled through his gritting teeth.

"Finally, something we can agree on."

I angrily scoffed and quickly folded up the blanket on the couch and made my way towards the door. I didn't turn back to look at Ian, probably smiling in accomplishment.

As I opened the front door I heard Anthony's voice in a confused tone.

"Emily? Where you going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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