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The car ride was admittedly a bit strange. Proving that he was feeling the awkwardness too, Anthony had decided to turn on the radio.

"So Emily, what kind of music do you like?" Anthony casually questioned in efforts to start some sort of conversation.

"Well, that's actually kind of complicated. My mom was really into musical theatre so I don't exactly know a whole lot."

"Oh god, that's confirmation that you're crazy right there. You're a theatre kid." Ian jokingly gagged and Anthony and I laughed along.

"Hey common, you can't knock it till you watch a professional production live." I said trying to defend my childhood. I know it was a joke, and I didn't take any offense, but also, the theatre kid in me is  l i v i d.

"Does watching Cats count?" Anthony sarcastically questioned.

Ian and I look at each other and now we both simultaneously do the whole gag bit again and then proceed to laugh at how a group of people actually decided that the movie was a good idea.

However, I don't know whats worse, the fact that I struggled to find conversation with my potential brother and his best friend, or the fact that we finally found conversation talking about Cats. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the first one.

Once arriving at the so called studio, I started to think more about how they were famous. I mean, does this mean that they could know Dan and Phil? Or Pewdiepie? Probably not, I mean they live in different countries so the probability is unlikely. My train of though of youtuber nonsense is interrupted by Anthony.

"Well, here we are. The gaming cave, or as I like to call it, the virgin cave." 

I try to hold in laughter but then my attention is pulled by two guys that walk out of the building. One has brown hair and is relatively short while the other has black hair and is relatively on the taller side. 

"Okay also, quick thing, I didn't really wanna alert the guys of anything weird so you're just an old high school friend visiting from out of town cool?" Anthony casually informs me.

"Oh yeah, that makes sense." 

As we all get out of the car I almost immediately lock eyes with the guy with black hair, I immediately felt an overwhelmed feeling of awkwardness. 

"Hey Josh, what's up man?" Anthony hugs Josh and does some sort of weird bro shake... Boys...

"Nothing much, was starting to think you were gonna ghost your own company." Josh joked.

"Sorry about that man" Anthony said with slight guilt.

"Hey don't worry about it, at least you're here now. And it looks like you brought a beautiful gift, hello."

He reaches out his hand so I shake it but he pulls my hands up to his hand and  k i s s e s  i t. What the hell?

"Uh, haha, hi. I'm Emily."

"And I'm please to meet you, my name's Josh"

"Oh god do not pull that weird crap Joven, you don't need to scare another girl out of your life." The short brown haired guy had joked with a hint of annoyance. He seems pretty cool.

"Oh shut up Matt, just because you don't go after girls doesn't mean that I can't." He scoffs and non threateningly shoves Matt's shoulders. Matt just rolls his eyes. 

"Well you can go after girls but you can't go after this one," Ian grabs my hand, "she's with me."

My hand automatically gets sweaty and I try to hide my blushing and immediate confusion. What...the...hell???

"Oh, well, guess it wasn't my time then. Besides it's for the best, crazy girls aren't really my type so-" Josh laughs.

"Hey shut the hell up man, it's comments like that that don't make us wanna come back." Anthony says in a rather aggressive tone. I flinch a little, the anger frightened me a bit. Even though I've only known him for less than a day it was still strange to see Anthony angry for the first time. I also felt Ian's hand tense up a bit and squeeze mine. 

Matt sighs, "I'm just gonna save us an argument and say that I apologize for Josh's rude behavior, just means that he misses you guys. Now lets just get in and try to have some fun."

Josh is looking down solemnly and follows us in.

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