Judging Criteria

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This chapter is for the judging criteria. On what basis are the books/graphic portfolios judged? Let's see!

 On what basis are the books/graphic portfolios judged? Let's see!

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For Books:

Cover (5 marks)
Is the cover attractive and eye-catching? Is the font visible enough to read? Is the cover clear? Is the subtitle interesting? These are the questions you must consider while judging the cover.

Blurb (5 marks)
Does the blurb interest you? Is it void of grammatical, punctuation and capitalization errors? Is it short and sweet or lengthy and interesting? These are the questions you must consider while judging the blurb.

Title (5 marks)
Is the title unique? Does it have the author's personal and creative touch to it? Are the writing rules followed well? These are the questions you must consider while judging the title.

Chapters (10 marks of which: - 5 marks is for personal interest.
- 5 marks is for genre compatibility)

This might be a bit of a confusion for you all. So here is the explanation.

Chapters part is divided into two, one is for personal interest which carries 5 marks and the other is for genre compatibility which carries the other 5 marks.

For personal interest, you should consider the following questions:
Does the book interest you? Does each chapter end with cliffhangers or does the ending of a chapter tempt you to read further?

For genre compatibility, you should consider the following questions:
Is the book compatible with its genre and/or subgenre? Can it easily be understood as a book of its particular genre or does it take time to find it?

Grammar, spelling and punctuation (5 marks)
How good is the author's writing style? Is the book void of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors? These are the questions you must consider while judging the grammar aspect of the story.

Total: 30 marks

For Graphic Portfolios:Clarity (5 marks):Are the graphics clear? Can you make out all the details properly without having to zoom in or squint?

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For Graphic Portfolios:
Clarity (5 marks):
Are the graphics clear? Can you make out all the details properly without having to zoom in or squint?

Creativity (5 marks):
How has the graphic designer woven their creativity into their masterpieces? You decide.

Font Usage and Clarity (10 marks):
Is the font appropriate to the genre and/or the storyline of the story? Is it legible enough to read? Is it placed in the right location?

Attractive Index (10 marks):
How attractive/appealing do you find the graphics to be?

Total: 30 marks

Based on the above criteria, you must judge the book and provide us with the review. You will be asked to give an in-depth review about certain books after the results are announced.

 You will be asked to give an in-depth review about certain books after the results are announced

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