🎉Best Plot Results🎉

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The results for the Best Plot is here! This mini genre was judged by TheBookworm2010

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The results for the Best Plot is here! This mini genre was judged by TheBookworm2010. We request you to not show any hate to the Judge as they have tried their best to support the talented and undiscovered.

We, the DA offer the winners our hearty congratulations and the others, a wave of support and good luck!

Without any further ado, let's dive in!

For Heart's desire by _Mini_Padfoot_
4/5 for Hook & Creativity
4/5 for Grammar
5/5 for Punctuation and Spelling
3/5 for Personal Interest
8/10 for Writing Style
6/5 for Character Development
Total: 30/40

In terms of spelling and grammar, you made only a few mistakes which was very good. I enjoyed how you took the fact that no one actually knows much about the Marauders' Hogwarts years and gave Sirius a secret admirer. It was also quite nice that it was not very obvious who the "Secret Admirer" is. In total, I've given you 30 points. Good job!

Arising From Blood by AidenHaust
4/5 for Hook & Creativity
5/5 for Grammar
5/5 for Punctuation and Spelling
2/5 for Personal Interest
5/10 for Writing Style
3/10 for Character Development
Total: 25/40

Your grammar and spelling was excellent. I don't think that I found any problems with it. I liked your idea of Light people and Dark people but it was presented quite poorly. I understand that you might want that only the most important things in the chapter but as a reader, I couldn't understand how those things happened. For example, when the Light people come to the Dark palace, it just happens at the spur of the moment. Perhaps you could explain in the beginning of the chapter how scouts saw them coming and reported it (or something in those lines).  It would also be nice if you could add a bit more description to the story and not only action. However, you did do great and earned a total of 25 points. Good job!

Leah Reeves and the Sea of Secrets by PilindielTheElf :
5/5 for Hook & Creativity
5/5 for Grammar
5/5 for Punctuation and Spelling
4/5 for Personal Interest
8/10 for Writing Style
8/10 for Character Development
Total: 35/40

I think that you did very well in spelling and grammar as I did not catch any mistakes in that. The plot itself is quite creative and you've given a point of view of how Azkaban is like. You also showed how Sirius actually escaped from Azkaban too. I found the book very interesting and couldn't stop reading it for a while. In total, you received 35 points.

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