🎉Best Title Results 🎉

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The results for the Best Title is here! This mini genre was judged by marina_swampert

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The results for the Best Title is here! This mini genre was judged by marina_swampert. We request you to not show any hate to the Judge as they have tried their best to support the talented and undiscovered.

We, the DA offer the winners our hearty congratulations and the others, a wave of support and good luck!

Without any further ado, let's dive in!

Thoughts, Feelings, Experiences by Azulatz

Hook (4/5)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spellings (10/10)
Personal Interest (5/5)
Creativity and Uniqueness (9/10)
Relevance to the plot (10/10)

Total: 38/40

This title is catchy and gives the idea that the book is about well thought out poetry! However, I feel that it is a tad bit monotonous. Perhaps adding 'and' in between 'feelings' and 'experiences' would give it a dramatic flair, the way poetry is written but still, I really loved it!

Black or White by DeathBlade__

Hook (5/5)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spellings (10/10)
Personal Interest (5/5)
Creativity and Uniqueness (10/10)
Relevance to the plot (10/10)

Total: 40/40

Gives a mystery feeling just the way it should. The 'or' caught me off guard because I'm mainly a designer and I've come across 'black and white' so often that my brain just thinks of that whenever it sees the words 'black' and 'white'. It may indicate the internal fight of the MC against the darkness and/or for the Light so it's really catchy.

Tumbling Through Time → James Potter by slytherclaw_seeker

Hook (4/5)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spellings (10/10)
Personal Interest (5/5)
Creativity and Uniqueness (9/10)
Relevance to the plot (8/10)

Total: 36/40

Quite a nice alliteration there. I personally love alliteration in titles (the reason why I try to do that often with my own works!). The grammar is perfect and the title hooks the reader with the question, 'how can you tumble through time?'  Of course, being a Potterhead I know it's possible in the Potter verse and this is a fanfiction of the same fandom but what I found a little bit off was that Marcella McGongall time travels only once. That's the impression that I can get after reading through the blurb. There seems to be the romance part and the 'what will happen to the future' part which is particularly emphasized. Perhaps reading through the whole book will tell me what it means. Nevertheless, I liked this title.

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