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i rushed into my workplace building. to get there, i ran up at least 4 pairs of stairs.

when i was just 7 years old, i strongly decided that i'm never going on an elevator. i've heard way too many elevator related horror stories. and you know what? so far, i'm sticking with that plan.

"i'm here, i'm here" i said, running out of breath.

then, as i finally looked up, i noticed that all of my colleagues and friends were already seated around the table, discussing something not so quietly.

"look who has finally decided to come" a voice stated.

"alex, don't test me, it's 7 am."

"alex, leave her alone. she must've been busy last night" said someone smirkingly.

"valkyrie! who do you think i am?" i pretended to be offended.

"exactly." another voice chimed in.
and that voice was theo, my lifelong best friend. he winked and passed me a cup of tea. it was just the right flavor and amount for my morning dose - he knows me so well.
i gave him a thankful smile.

"stop it, all of you." i said. "so? why are we all gathered here? to discuss my love life?" i said, my face slowly becoming more serious.

"not exactly!" nessa said sprinting into the room with a bunch of files and documents in her hands. "we have a very serious case. and no, it can't wait a second longer, okay?"

everyone nodded

"so," she began "there is this club. it's situated on Eighth avenue. people are said to go missing there. just last night and in that area alone, we got 12 new missing persons reports. i mean, it's truly a bizarre number so there is always a small possibility that all of this is some kind of misunderstanding or a sick prank or something. actually, let's just hope it is." she said as her voice trailed off.

"but we can't take any chances." she collected herself and continued "either way, this is extremely urgent and the risks are very high. this case could be ginormous."

alex and i nodded in understatement.

"what's the plan?" valkyrie instantly asked.

"i think going undercover is our best bet so far. i think that the 2 of you should go and the other 2 should simply stay here, just in case a back up or some analytical work is needed."

"got it." theo said.
"theo and i should stay here. you know, analytics is more of our field." alex said.

i gave him a swift smile. i figured out he liked theo for some time now, but this only confirmed my suspicions.

"so, just you and me princess." i blurted out.
"okay, so we're going undercover?" valkyrie questioned furrowing her brows.

"you heard theo and alex, so yes. that leaves the two of you." nessa shrugged and added "chop, chop girls! the clock is ticking!"

"better get going princess, it's gonna be a long day and an even longer night." i said.

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