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1 year later :

it has been one year since you've been gone. i miss you greatly every day. i still cry my eyes out whenever i think about you. like right now. hell, i still send you silly little text messages, just like this one. foolish, isn't it?

well, after your death and everything that went down with jonah,- i don't know. nothing has been the same since. everything has changed.
for a good while, i was completely lost and slowly began losing myself.

shortly after that, and you'll be very happy to hear this, valkyrie and i had the talk. you know, about our relationship and all. we finally cleared up everything. took us a hot minute, huh?
surprise? we've both liked each other for ages but were too scared of ruining our friendship and my relationship with that asshole jonah.

but hey, better late than never, right? since we both came to the conclusion that we've liked each other, we decided that there's no point in rushing things.
you know, it's probably for the best. we'll just let everything happen how it's supposed to happen and see where that takes us.

considering absolutely everything that happened, val decided that it's for the best that she moves in with me. she thinks it would seriously help me to have some company.

also, we adopted your golden retriever, salmon so don't even worry about her. she has her own big backyard and absolutely loves the company of my two cats.

alex misses you greatly. him and i have our weekly "theo time" chats where we just remember you and what an amazing person you were. valkyrie joins us sometimes.

both of us are taking a small break from our jobs right now and we're planning a trip! nessa completely understands, thankfully.

remember when all of us talked about visiting amsterdam? well, that's finally happening! can you believe it? val and i will do our best to have a great time, for you too.

i hope you're okay, wherever you are.
love you forever. <3 x

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