4 1 5

although only 15 minutes passed, it felt like an hour or two. at least.

finally, i could hear some commotion by the front door, even though i couldn't make out what they were saying.

valkyrie was still unconscious, laying right next to me. i checked her pulse while they weren't looking and it was weaker than normally, but she should be fine.

that is, if we do make it out if here.

with her head placed in my lap, we waited for our fate to be decided.

suddenly, a man walked in. he was wearing a mask and glasses so i couldn't really make out his face.

"so, hi, y/n" he said menacingly, in a very familiar voice. a voice i could recognise anywhere. anytime.

"jonah???" i screamed, not knowing how to feel. million thoughts racing through my head.

"yes, sweetheart. sorry i never really informed you of this... new hobby of mine." he said tauntingly as he looked around the club.

i looked at him confused. "you're a murderer! is this why you were dating me? to get some information on the case? to kidnap me? to kill me? did you ever even love me?" i said as tears started to form in the corners of my eyes.

"hm, no, yes, yes and kind of? i really did love you, you do know that? hell, i still do" he said as he moved closer to us.

"you're a great person, really. and y/n? i'm sorry it has to be like this." he said and looked away.

"jonah, please-"
"no, no, it's too late now."
"but why? how could you?"
"oh it's pretty simple, actually. you just drug people and then kill them afterwards. alcohol and drugs do wonders. it's really surprisingly easy." he grinned.
"why?" i stared at him wide eyed.
"why not? the world is an awful place. everybody will paint me as a villain either way. so why not? i will gladly autograph the artwork. you see, i have nothing to lose" he said chillingly. it was eerie.

i angrily got up and 2 of jonah's goons started coming towards me. "you're a psychopath! i lived with a lunatic for years!" i was kicking and screaming but to no avail.

suddenly, i noticed that valkyrie was starting to wake up.
she sat up and looked at me confused.

"look who's awake." jonah said with a frown. "you're a bitch, you know that?"

"jonah?" she said a bit disoriented but thankfully quickly managed to collect herself "i always knew you were a pathetic asshole."

"oh fuck you, valkyrie"
"you wish, you fuck." she said, spitting directly in his direction.

"ugh, you bitc-" he began furiously, but didn't get a chance to finish as valkyrie launched herself at him. the 3 of his men tried to pull her off so i started kicking, punching and scratching them with everything i had. the whole scene was a complete mess.

soon enough, we heard something loud in the distance. those were police sirens. 100%. val and i looked at each other. we were caught completely off guard.

the 5 men instantly stopped fighting us and immediately started running towards the exit. all except jonah.

za janu <3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant