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only seconds later, the main entrance door was broken down and at least 10 of our friends and colleagues appeared in front of us.

the 5 men were quickly overpowered and arrested, while val and i were still dealing with jonah.

alex and theo came running towards us, pointing their guns at him.

alex gave me a "what the hell is he doing here" look and honestly, i didn't know how or what to respond.

"put your arms up, you're outnumbered. there is even more police officers outside this dammed club, you have no chance." theo said.

"theo, theo, theo." jonah repeated.

"you know, when y/n firstly introduced us, i really liked you, man."

as we were all cautiously waiting for his next move, he swiftly pulled out another gun and directed it at himself.

"you know, y/n" he said breathing heavily "the main difference between us? i can admit when i'm defeated. i lost. you won" he said putting a bullet straight between his eyes. simple as that. i let out a frightening scream and froze in place.

i could just watch as my boyfriend's lifeless body fell to the ground.

the discarded gun just lied there, like it was mocking me.

theo immediately dropped everything and rushed to embrace me. he hugged me tightly, squeezing all of the air from my lungs.
i cried and buried myself in his neck "i thought i would never see you again. how did you know?"

"you never called back." he said as he held me closely "and then when neither one if you returned my calls i knew something had gone wrong." he said and gave a weak smile.

alex came up to valkyrie to check up on her and give her any first aid that might've been necessary.

we were still grasping around the concept of everything that just went down as one of jonah's goons got free and somehow managed to get ahold of a gun.

out of nowhere, it fired. once. twice. but thankfully it went into thin air. it had completely vanished.

or so it seemed.

a group of police officers attacked, disarmed and immediately escorted the last criminal out of the club.

"oh my god, that was so close-" oh fuck. as valkyrie was about to continue, all of us noticed theo stumbling backwards.

"no no no no no, this can't be happening.
i covered his stomach wounds with my bare hands.

"theo, stay with me" i cried.
i couldn't see a single thing because tears blurred my vision.

"what do i do? how-" i almost choked on my tears, anxiously trying to stop his bleeding.

"alex, call for an ambulance!!! fast!" valkyrie cried out.

"stop, if i don't make it, prmise me you'll be fine, y/n. and i'll promise to always be here for you, in any way i can." he said and gave me a small and weak smile.

"no, no, don't say that. i could never be fine. what if i can't move on?" i sobbed.

"you have to. just, i don't- just, remember me okay? occasionally at least, yea?" he said smiling, blood gushing  through his mouth.

he squeezed my hand weakly, one last time.

"don't be silly, i'll always think about you." i said fighting my tears as he looked me directly in the eyes, slowly closing his.

"i won't forget about us. i won't. I'll cherish every moment."

moments later, paramedics rushed in but it was already too late. and ofcourse i knew that, but a dumb part of me still held on to that weak string of hope.

"my deepest condolences miss, there's not much we can do" said one of the paramedics about 10 minutes later.
"we tried about every revival technique there is, we're extremely sorry." he finally said and left.

one of the last things i remember is me letting out a blood curling  scream and valkyrie gently pulling me away from his, now lifeless, body.

it was 7 am and we were still at the club's parking lot.
ambulances and police officers all around us.
it started raining again and i just sat there in silence, tears still streaming down my face.

valkyrie sat in silence with me. i really appreciated that. i really  appreciated her.
she grabbed my hand and held it tightly in hers. i knew she wasn't letting go by the look in her eyes.

after some time of sitting in the silence, she scooched closer and softly put her forehead agains mine. in those few moments, the whole world stopped for a while.

za janu <3Where stories live. Discover now