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"yeah, it was uh,-" i said clearing my throat, desperately trying to get some words out.
just as i was about to do so and remind her of that hectic night, i noticed she started losing her balance.

"i'm okay, i'm-it's-i just need to sit down for a bit- y/n-i" she managed to say before she closed her eyes and collapsed in my arms.

it was 4 am and there was maybe 5 people left in the club, besides us.

everybody in the club just stood there and watched as one of my best friends passed out in my arms.

"help!!!! somebody do something!" i screamed, already on the verge of crying from sheer panic.

but then i realised. they weren't going to help us.
it finally hit me. i was so stupid. all of those people that went missing - those weren't some made up rumors. i froze.

"what'd you put in her drink?!" i screamed.
that was the single thought that sent shivers down my spine.
we were in grave danger. okay, i need to collect myself.

it's okay, i'll just pull out my gun, call for backup and ambulance and everything will be okay. she'll be okay.

i was mercilessly pulled back from my thoughts as that bartender from earlier grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from val before i could even do anything.

3 out of 5 people in that room were now holding me as i kicked and screamed till my lungs hurt.
amongst them, i recognised that security guard from earlier.

meanwhile, the bartender was searching through my stuff. he didn't look very satisfied. that was, until he found my badge, phone and my back up gun.

"oh, what do we have here?" he asked suspiciously "who are you girls, really? cops? fbi? cia?" he said mockingly. "boys, tonight we accidentally got ourselves the biggest catch yet."

"these girls are cops? there is no way!" another one laughed tauntingly.

i desperately tried to kick him but his 2 buddies were still holding me down so i physically had no chance. i felt so defeated and overpowered.

of course, we had a back up plan, we always had to have it, but that sadly went south the minute he got a hold of my phone.

"what should we do with them?" another one asked.

"i already informed the boss." the first one interrupted "he just said to wait. he'll be down here in a minute." he concluded and the rest of them nodded in agreement.

to be honest, i was scared shitless. neither one of us was careful enough and right now we were paying the price. and i hated myself for it.
if anything was to happen to valkyrie, i just couldn't forgive myself.

za janu <3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें