Chapter 3: First lesson

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1st POV (Nico)

Stoick is gone for now. This morning, he started the search for the dragon's nest. But it is also Hiccups first day of training. Right now, I was at the arena, watching the kids from above. It was such a chaotic group. Hiccup in itself was a problem, but combined with the others. This will either be a catastrophe or great entertainment. Or both.

First, there is Astrid. She is pretty tolerable. Sometimes she came to me to ask for tips in dealing with weapons. Even tough she was already pretty much perfect, she keeps wanting to be better. It's a good quality of hers.

Secondly, there is Fishlegs. He is a nerd. Knows the book of dragons by heart and keeps saying random facts about dragons. He could drive anyone crazy at some point, although he didn't want to.

Then, there is Snotlout. An annoying, arrogant brat. That described him pretty well.

Lastly, there are the twins. Ruffnut and Tuffnut. They are crazy and I'm not sure wether they hate each other or not. Also, Ruffnut likes flirting. She even flirted with me. Understandable, I was good looking and older than her. I wouldn't mind an older lover either. Tuffnut is pretty okay, though.

Even though I couldn't hear what they were talking about, it was pretty clear, that Hiccup was the outcast. Dad was talking to them about the training, then he let the gronckle loose on them. He did that to me, too. I know it is a good technique to learn, but I still hated it.

One after another they were shot at and out. Suddenly, Hiccup lost his shield. Not surprising, he was just too clumsy. It rolled away and he chased after it. Sadly, the Gronckle got him before he could get the shield. Thankfully, my dad saved him in time. I could have also done something to help, but as long as dad is down there, they are safe.

The lesson was over and everyone started to leave. I wanted to talk to Hiccup, but he was already gone. I wonder where he went. Instead, I just helped dad in the forge to help pass the time.

In the evening, we all got together to eat. That's when Hiccup came back, completely soaked by the rain. "Read this and learn it by heart. You will need it" Dad said as he threw the book of dragons on the table. Fishlegs immediatly started fanboying over it, causing everyone to leave with excuses as to why not read the book.

In the end, it was only Hiccup and me there. He started looking through the book, skipping through the pages, but not really reading any of them. "Not really interested in it either?" I asked him.

He flinched a bit and looked at me suprised. Must have not noticed I didn't leave. Maybe there is something on his mind. "Oh, yes, yes, it is really interesting. I just wanna read it a bit later. I don't really want to know all the ways someone can die, while I'm eating." He answered, sarcastic as ever. I like his sarcasm, so I chuckled a bit.

"Understandable. What I really wanted to know is: How was the training today? Did you have any problems with the others?"

He only rolled his eyes at that. "I know dad and Gobber want you to protect me, but you are being overprotective. If I have a problem or need help, I always come to you and you know that. Don't worry so much." With that he got up and left, taking the book of dragons with him. I did try to stop him but failed.

Was I being overprotective? I have always been taking care of him. We are family. But maybe I'm just seeing him as a way to prove myself to the others, who thing I don't belong here. Makes me feel bad, using him like that. I think I really am worrying too much. Just because he was acting a bit weirder than usually, there doesn't need to be some kind of problem. Let's just see how the training tomorrow goes.

With that I got up and walked home, barely having touched my food. Sometimes worry makes me sick to my stomach. Just get a good amount of sleep and we'll see what happens tomorrow.

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