Chapter 9: Fight against the red death

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1st POV (Nico)

We were getting ready to attack. The ships were tied to the shore and the catapults were ready to shoot. Everyone was getting ready to fight.

I quietly snuck on one of the ships where Toothless was. He was restless to. When he saw me there, he seemed a bit relieved. "Listen, I don't know how this will end, but I'm pretty sure Hiccup will come here. When that happens, please protect him, when I can't. I'm still responsible for him and I refuse to let him die."

I'm not sure, wether he completely understood me, but what I saw in his eyes was definetly determination. We nodded at each other and I went back at to the others.

Then it started. The catapults started shooting against the big rock and we started running towards it. A hole slowly started to form because of the catapults. When it was big enough, we started to throw the rocks out with our hands, too.

Suddenly, dragons started flying out. I have never seen so many before. It was like all the dragons of this world were gathered here. Stoick tried to hit them with his sword, but it were far too many. Most of us took cover though.

When all the dragons were gone, it was silent. The silence, when you knew, something was coming. It was. The ground started to shake and far in the rock, a shadow was coming towards us. We ran back to the ships to make room for the dragon.

When it was half out, we could already see how massive it was. We wanted to run back to the ships, knowing we wouldn't be able to defeat the beast. The dragon was smart though and spew fire towards them, trapping us on the island.

Dad and Gobber wanted to make time for us to escape, but that wasn't needed. In that moment, the kids came, riding the dragons from the arena and started attacking the red death. Hiccup then jumped in the water. That's when I realized that Toothless had went over board.

Stoick jumped after him, brought him back up and jumped back in. I started running towards them. Stoick came back up with Toothless. Hiccup then got on Toothless, but was stopped by his father. I was just in time to hear him say: "I'm proud of you, son." Then Hiccup and Toothless started flying.

After that, we vikings were pretty much useless. At first it was all of the kids fighting the giant with their new partners. Then it was Hiccups turn. He got the dragon to fly high into the clouds and we saw Toothless shooting at it. The lightning told us that.

Then the red death flew down, but couldn't stop and crashed into the ground causing a huge explosion. From that point on, we couldn't see Hiccup anymore and ran towards where the explosion took place.

Stoick found him in the arms of Toothless, who saved him. Stoick thanked him for saving him. Dad and I came up behind him. I nodded at Toothless thanking him like that. "Well, at least most of him." Dad suddenly said, making me took toward Hiccup to notice a part of his left leg was missing.

After that, we all got home to Berk somehow. Hiccup woke up after some time and accepted his fate of having just one leg from now on. He was pretty excited to know that from now on we will live together with the dragons.

I'm pretty excited for the future, too.

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