Chapter 5: Special Meeting

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1st POV (Nico)

Today's the day. I'm going to find out Hiccups secret.

I already started following him early in the morning. He got a big basket of fish and something from the forge that I didn't recognize. It wasn't a weapon but I had no idea what else it could be.

Then he wandered off into the forest, where I sadly lost him for a bit. He knows these woods better than anyone else, so it's no surprise that happened.

I walked around for a bit, until I heard him cheer. What could he be so happy about? I followed the sound until I found him in the middle of a little valley. What I saw with him almost made my heart stop: a nightfury. It must be the one he shot down.

I grabbed my sword and ran down to him as fast as I could, ready to kill the beast. It's back was to me so it was an easy win. But before I could do anything, I heard Hiccup yell: "Stop, Nico!" and then he was already between me and the dragons, which was now growling at me, and tried to calm both of us.

"What are you doing? That thing is going to kill both of us!" I exclaimed in shock, still in fighting position. But to my surprise, Hiccup remained completely calm. "No, he's not. He's my friend. Please put you sword down and let me explain. Please, just trust me."

He looked so serious about this. So I threw my sword to the side and trusted him. I would have done it even if he wasn't so calm. "I trust you.""Thank you."

"Well, then maybe I should introduce you two. Nico, this is Toothless, Thoothless, this is Nico." I couldn't tell wether Toothless was happy to meet me or not. Well, I couldn't really say I was happy, either.

Following conversation ensued:

"Hiccup, what exacly is happening?" -me

"I shot Toothless down and now I want to make him a new tail." -Hiccup

"Why would you make a new tail for a dragon? They are monsters." -me. Toothless really didn't like me calling him a monster.

"That's where you are wrong. I don't think we have to kill the dragons. Gobber said a dragon will always go for the kill, but he didn't." -Hiccup

"So now you think we can all live together in a way?" -me

"Yes, I think there is a way." -Hiccup. I sighed, sat down on the ground and rubbed my hands over my face. This is crazy!

"What are you going to so do now?" Hiccup asked and I could hear the worry in his voice. He normally trusts me with everything, but this was bigger than both of us together, no, even bigger than Berk itself. But I also couldn't just betray him.

"Nothing, I'm going to do absolutely nothing. I trust you to make your own decision. If you think this is for the best, then do it." As soon as I stood again, Hiccup hugged me. "Thank you! I know this is a good decision, I mean, I think it is one." I gently pushed him off of me. I'm the only person I have ever seen him hug. Sadly, I don't really like hugs. Makes me feel a bit guilty.

"So you want to make him a new tail?" -me

"Yes. The positions of the tail chance while flying. So I need to make something, so that I can change them manually." -Hiccup

"He will need your help to fly. You will be flying a dragon. By Thor. I have never heard of that." -me

"Yeah, pretty crazy." -Hiccup

"Listen, I will go now and let you do whatever you need to. But if this comes out, I knew of nothing got it. I will, of course, try to help you, but I already got enough problems with some of the vikings as it is, so tell no one about me." He nodded and and promised me to do so.

Then I turned towards the dragon."You better take care of him. Or I will personally hunt you down." He just snorted, turned around and hit my head with his tail. Seriouly, what is his problem? Is he being petty because I called him a monster.

Without further comment I turned around and walked back home. This will be crazy.

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