Chapter 4: Second lesson

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1st POV (Nico)

It's the next day, the next lesson. A labyrinth was build in the Arena and the Nadder let go. The kids had childs and weapons. Pretty good scenario for a catastrophe.

I was standing with dad, watching everything from above. "You know in the book of dragons wasn't a lot about Nightfurys. Is there another book or something." Hiccup suddenly asked from under us. "There isn't a lot because no one ever survived an encounte with one. Now watch out!" Dad answered before Hiccup had to run away from the dragon.

"Why is he so interested in Nightfurys suddenly?" I wondered. "Well, while you were protecting him from the nightmare the other day, he told us about how he shot one down.""Did anyone go looking for it.""Nope."

Hiccup shot down a Nightfury? I'm barely able to imagine that. I can barely imagine anyone shooting down a nightfury. But he was always really creative in forging and making things. I wonder what happened.

While I was deep in thought, Astrid had defended herself and Hiccup from the Nadder after her axe had gotten stuck in his shield. He then got a pretty mean speech from her. Poor boy, everyone's always going for him. He looked like he was thinking pretty deeply about it though.

Later in the evening, we were eating dinner outside at a fire. Dad was telling the kids the story about how he lost his leg and hand. I heard that story about a thousand times already. He even told me that as a good night story.

Since I didn't really care about listening to him, I watched Hiccup instead. He wasn't listening either, but was in deep thought again. Until dad said one thing: "You have to go for the wings or the tail. A grounded dragon is a dead dragon." That seemed to catch his attention. I couldn't read the expression on his face.

At least I know now that I'm not being overprotective. There definitly is something wrong with him. And since he doesn't want to tell me by himself, I'm going to find out.

Tomorrow, they have a day off training. I'm going to follow him whereever he goes. Let's see what you are hiding.

I must have stared at him because he looked at me questioningly. I only smiled at him. Now he looked weirded out. Normally, I barely smile, maybe I should do it more often. I always thought showing emotions makes you weak infront of others, so I'm always bottling everything up. Might explode some day in the future. Not important right now.

I'm excited for tomorrow.

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