𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤

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Will, who obviously tried his hardest to be unnoticed by the popular kids as he made his way through the bustling hallways.

He moved to avoid people's backpacks that were slung over their shoulders. He dodged the sudden movement of their arms as they demonstrated a story for their friends. He avoided bumping into anyone that could cause him trouble.

Unfortunately, that plan backfired rather quickly when Will was suddenly bumped into. He sort of fell into shock, his hazel eyes widened, bigger than they already had been, and he became stiff, unable to force himself to turn around and meet who had hit him.

To his relief, Max moved around him and poked her head into his eye shot.

"Shit, Max you scared me, you should've at least said something so I knew it was you after you hit me!"

Max, who had been giggling ever since Will yelped as he was bumped into, finally spoke up to Will. "Jesus Will, it's fine, it's not like I'm going to pounce on you and attack you or anything." She drawled sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you're too damn short, I wouldn't have been able to see you at all if it weren't for you being the only redhead in the entire state of Indiana." To that response, Max had jumped up to Will, flicking him in the middle of his forehead causing him to stumble back in shock.

"Ow!?" Will said, confused but angry at Max. He rolled his eyes, grabbing her wrist and dragging her to lunch with him.

Will, who had decided not to eat that day, sat down at a table secluded from the rest of the cafeteria, waiting for Max to get her food from the lunch line.

Will was already dozing off by the time Max had finally sat down with her food.

"God damn, it took the line seven years just to get me to the front, I bet I have gray hairs by now, don't I?" Will chuckled at her comment. He shook his head and sat up.

As Max sat down, she put her tray on the table in front of her seat, avoiding tipping the plate over and spilling her food everywhere.

Now, the only other thing Will hated besides the people at the school, was the food. It looked like a toddlers play kitchen food-none of it looked edible in the slightest. The last time Will had tried the food, he spent the last half of the class after lunch throwing it up in the mens bathroom.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of food being chewed. He looked up to see Max actually eating the cafeteria food. Will tried his hardest not to throw up right then and there, but he could sure picture it happening.

Oh god Max, how can you stand to eat that? He thought silently.

Max, who caught Will staring at her from across the table, made a grunting sound, to justify her presence, and make him aware of his staring problem.

"Ah, sorry, I was just thinking about how terrible the cafeteria's food is, and how you can somehow manage to choke it down." He said, gagging after his sentence.

Max giggled, continuing to eat the rest of what he thought was mashed potatoes from the little Styrofoam bowl they were served in.

Once she had finished, she twisted the lid off of her water bottle, taking a small gulp, which he assumed, was her way of getting the food down her throat without admitting how terrible it was.

The minute Max had set down her water bottle, the bell rang, rushing the lingering Juniors that were in the hallway into their proper class.

Max and Will made their way out of the cafeteria, when suddenly Max got a brilliant idea.

"What if we skipped 4th period?" Max asked, at a loss for words at how incredible she thought her idea was.

Skip class? I'm always present during class, the teachers would definitely notice something's up and probably call my mom, who would definitely tell Jonathan. Will, who obviously was too stunned by the idea to speak, got cut off before he had a chance to say anything.

"C'mon, it won't be that bad, if they ask you anything after spring break, you can just tell them you got checked out, that you had a stomach ache or something."

Will, still considering her words, didn't even speak, he just followed Max quickly out the door, which hardly anyone noticed.

"Max, what if we're caught?" Will whisper-shouted, sighing in relief from not being in the muggy hallways any longer.

Max looked over to the brunette boy, who was obviously worried and shrugged carelessly.

"Oh, wow, thank you so much for the reassurance." Will muttered, laying the sarcasm on thick.

Max ignored them and they walked side by side together for a few minutes, wandering the concrete, avoiding windows that lined different classrooms until they made their way onto the football field. The football field was deserted, due to the mud that coated the grass, an after effect from the rain that poured down relentlessly over the recent weeks.

"We have like, two hours until school is out, what should we do?" Max said, hopping up onto a ledge on the bleachers, the sound of Max's weight landing onto the metal ringing through the field.

Will looked around for a moment, pondering the idea of heading over to the mall where they could go see

"You want to head over to the mall? We can go to scoops ahoy, and then just wander around the mall until it's time to head home."

Max, lifting her gaze towards Will, nodded and jumped off of the bleachers, jogging up to meet him.

Will started slowly walking away in the general direction of the mall, taking off his hoodie in the process and tossing it over his shoulder, in response to the blistering heat.

Max, who loved teasing him with her soul, decided to give him her two cents on this action. "Awh, Willy boo are you trying to impress someone?" Max said in her most babyish voice possible, wiggling her eyebrows with a knowing grin. She looked around and grinned back at Will. "Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anyone to impress around here..."

Will rolled his eyes while he tied his hoodie around his waist and held his backpack on one shoulder.

They started to head away from the school, walking along the concrete sidewalk, on their way to the Mall.

𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 ; BylerWhere stories live. Discover now