𝐓𝐰𝐨-𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐲

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When they got outside, Jonathan was already in the car waiting for them. "Is everything okay? You guys seem kinda off..."

Max nodded, her eyes settling in on Will as he made his way towards them. He mindlessly looked up and down the sidewalk, finally making eye contact with Max as he lowered his way into the car seat. Max raised an eyebrow towards Will. He looked down, breaking eye contact before she could ask him any questions. Will bent over, resting his forearms on his knees as he looked up to the Drivers' mirror. Jonathan had already been looking at him through the mirror before he turned back to the road.

"So, did you guys still want to go out for ice cream?" The two shook their heads before hearing the sound of the engine revving.

Before long the car had begun to start moving down the road, picking up pace as it made its way to Janes' house. A hand tapped Will's shoulder, making him lift his head up to see who it was. Max was standing outside of the car, leaning in through the doorway to be in arms reach of him. In response to her gaining his attention, he pushed open his car door. The cool air engulfed Will as he stepped out onto the concrete, the sudden breeze blowing through his hair making it fall over his eyes. He pushed the hair out of the way and shoved the car door shut. Will stepped back out of the way of the wheels.

Johnathan rolled down the passenger window to gaze up at him, "Call me when I need to come pick you guys up, okay?"

"Okay," Will nodded, letting Johnathan proceed to roll the window pack up.

Before Will could wave "bye," the car had already started to make its way down the road, turning the corner and disappearing behind a large house.

"So..." Max went on to say, leading them towards the direction of the house.

She looked confident, a little too confident considering Jane wasn't a huge fan of Max either. She made her way beside Will, nudging his arm with her shoulder.

He looked over, confused. "Don't act stupid, Will," Max procceeded. "We both know you're dying to see Mike again, even though I'm not sure of why you want too, he's a total douchebag."

"I know I just-" Will mumbled, taking another deep breath before proceeding, "I don't understand how he could be so clueless."

Max let out a little sigh, reaching her hand up and resting it on Wills' shoulder. He sighed a bit too, shoving his hands into his pants pockets, pulling at a singular thread peeking out from the stitching on the inside. The inside stitching was almost torn completely by time they made it to the front of Jane's house. Max could already smell the lingering scent of alcohol and smoke wafting into the nighttime air as they approached the lawn.

She walked up to the door and opened it, gesturing for Will to go inside, "After you," She beamed at him.

Will rolled his eyes and walked in before quickly scanning the room for possible exits and bathrooms. He clenched his jaw when he realized there were only three exits, the back door, the door he just walked through, and the side door beside the kitchen that was propped open by a carton of beer. He pushed through the crowd of people who were somehow already drunk or high. A couple girls tried to grope him as he passed but he ignored them and fought the urge to recoil in disgust or push them away.

Max flipped them off before grabbing Will's arm and dragged him to an empty spot in a side room where they found a vacant chair that looked big enough to fit the both of them, but Max sat on the arm. Will settled into the chair and began picking at his jeans again, trying to block out the small crowd in the room who seemed to be staring at Will.

"Just ignore them," she whispered before leaning against the wall behind them and looking at the ceiling. "This reminds me of when Steve would invite us to those stupid basketball after-partys that his team threw after every game."

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