𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐞𝐞

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Mike sat there in shock, staring at Will with tears silently streaming down his face. He breathed out a shaky sigh before planting himself on the ground and leaning back onto the wall. He tilted his head to the side to get a clear view of Will, who seemed to be upset as much as Mike was. His face was red, and at that moment he had been sitting on the side of the wall, with his elbows planted on his legs, fingers interlaced as he took a few deep breaths, focusing on the tiled floor. They both sat there for a few minutes before Mike spoke up.

(A/n: Mike- "marry me."
W- "What?"
M- "Marry me."
W- "But you're not gay?"
M- "Um? Yes I am?"
W- "Oh, allg then, lets go")

"Will, I'm sorry." Mike said, twisting his head back the other way and staring at the ceiling. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I- got too caught up with Jane, and Troy, and all the others to realize I had been pushing you away all this time." Will, who was still in shock from his previous outburst, looked up from his seat to look at Mike.

"It's f-" Will, getting flustered all over again, mumbled.

"No, Will, it's not fine, I was a total asshole to you and Max, I completely ignored how you felt and made it seem like you were the bad guy, when you obviously weren't." Mike's head had now been resting in the palm of his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking towards Will. They made eye contact as Mike continued on. "I should've realized she had been cheating on me when she began acting weird when we Troy came around... how could I have been so stupid?" Mike sighed, breaking eye contact to focus on a fly buzzing around a trash can planted next to the sink before staring back at Will.

Will had been staring at Mike the entire time, his mind wandering to all the different things Will wished he could say and do to Mike in this moment. Will, bit his lip and caught himself staring at Mike, looked back down. Before Will had the chance to say what he had been planning to say to Mike from the beginning, someone had come knocking on the door.

"Are you two done fucking in there yet? I have to pee?" Max yelled through the door, she said, her words slurring together in a thick drunk accent.


Max threw open the door, banging Will on the side of the leg as she peered through the gap between the door and the wall. She looked over to Mike, whose whole face was lit up in a bright shade of red. She looked down to Will, who tried his hardest to avoid eye contact with her as she spoke. "As I was saying, are you two done yet? I've been waiting for hours." She exaggerated, rolling her eyes.

"Y-yeah," Mike stumbled, grabbing Will's wrist as he stood up from the toilet seat, pulling Will up to his feet. They shared a look as they made their way past Max, allowing her to slip into the room. She shut the door behind her, leaving the hallway empty, besides Will and Mike. They stood silent, Mike stumbling over his own words trying to find the right thing to say. Before Mike could stop himself, he had grabbed Will by the wrist, bringing him into the Kitchen, where groups of people sat in dining chairs, stoned out of their minds, a great place to be with Will without people really noticing.

Mike brought his attention to the back door leading to the backyard, which was still propped open by the now opened case of beers laying in front of the door. Regaining his senses, Mike grabbed Will, now by the hand, and led him outside into the dimly lit deck that had small festive lights strung around the roof. They stopped near the railing of the wooden deck, where Mike laced his fingers with Wills slowly, avoiding Will's gaze.

(A/N: Will snatched his hand away furiously, giving Mike a disgusted look before blurting: "Sorry I'm not gay." Before leaving into the Kitchen.)

Will widened his eyes and pulled his hand out of Mike's stuffing it into his pocket. "Sorry about that, I knew she was drinking, but not that much," Will chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck faintly with his free hand as Mike scanned the woods that stood behind them.

"What?" Mike asked, looking down at his now empty hand before pulling his gaze back to Will with a confused look on his face, flushed.

"Max, I didn't know she'd be that drunk," Will clarified, laughing softly, his gaze focused on the ground between their feet.

"Oh, yeah it's cool, totally," Mike said, his eyebrows furrowed as he nodded awkwardly putting his hands in his back pockets, arms flapping slowly like chicken wings.

They both stood in silence awkwardly, Mike shifting his weight between the tips of his toes into his heels, looking around the back yard. Will crossed his hands in front of him, fiddling his thumbs back and forth waiting for something or rather, someone to interrupt the moment of silence.  

Mike clenched his jaw and spoke out, finally breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "Did I do something wrong?"

It was now Will's turn to turn to him, confused. "What?"

"Earlier, when we came outside and ended up here, when we, you know, when we... did the thing," Mike whispered, his eyes darting nervously, scanning for any spectators. He bit his lip nervously when he finally made eye contact with Will.

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