Ship Down

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P.O.V. ???

"We're going down!"

"The ships falling!"

"We'll never make it down!"

Two voices were yelling at each other as a hairy man tried to fix the problem. The ship was loosing altitude at incredible speed. The man glanced at the altimeter, then yelled to the others, "Stop yelling about it and do something!" The two others turned to look at the hairy, wolf-like man. One was a walrus with a lab coat on, while the other was some sort of green jello man.

"Yes, sir!"

"Of course!"

The two 'men' scrambled around like terrified squirrels. The other sighed and looked back at his problem at hand. Suddenly, the whole ship rumbled and the man almost fell out of his chair. "Stop messing around and get to-" He was cut off by the impact of... something. The man felt a pain and fell unconscious, hoping his friends were okay.

P.O.V. More but different ???

Sitting in her bed in the S.S. Flux Buds, a small woman with black hair wondered were the captain was taking them. After the Great Flux War of 2014, the world was done and they were traveling to new land. She sighed, hoping that he could get them there safely. She got up and walked towards where the captain resided. The cockpit. "Hey there, Captain Duncan. How's it going? Know where we're going?"

Duncan looked at her. "Well, Commander Kim, we are going somewhere. Don't know where yet..." He pulls up a map and pointed towards a purple area. "I was thinking there, but there's a Flux Forest. Could effect us... dangerously." He sighed and turned his chair towards her.

"Can we somehow go in that general area but still be away from the Flux? SHUT UP, MOTHER!!!!! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION!!!" She screamed to no one in general. Duncan laughed, but was cut short when they crashed into a large body of mass, causing both minions of Mother to go unconscious.

CUE CREDITS!!! NOT REALLY!!! I considered making this a 1st person story, then I remembered Dunc's first P.O.V. in SIFTWDBIL. Disaster.

I will release a calender in my Poems I will be releasing in... several minutes.

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