Lost Wolf

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P.O.V. Ross

I awoke with no memory of what happened last night. In truth, all I remember is... Drinking. And what happened BEFORE we got drunk. So... when we kissed.

Kim must have already gotten up; unless she fell asleep elsewhere; because she wasn't there. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. If anything, I was hungry... and hungover.

When I reached the kitchen, I noticed that all the food was mysteriously... missing. My first thought was that Kim had eaten it all. I then thought, What if it's Smith or Trott? They might be alive! I stepped outside, hoping to see tracks or smell the scent of my old pals, and was confused at what I found.

Two sets if footprints, a puddle of a mysterious liquid, the strong scent of blood, Smith, Trott, and Kim, obviously, blood, and what looked like where something, or someone, was dragged. Someone was going to eat shit, and I hoped it wouldn't be Smith and Trott.

P.O.V. ???

Yes! We got her! She was hungover and sick, but we had successfully kidnapped the midget. We brought her to a nearby forest and into a cottage we (more like I) had built when we arrived.

After several days, we went looking for our missing friend. We couldn't find him. What we did find was her; lying in a bed injured and unconscious. That's when we decided that we were not alone. Although, it could've been her old friend the scientist.

That thought was confirmed false when we found him mining one day. Duncan Jones. He had no idea were our new friend, Kim, was. So, we made a deal. If we could find and bring him Kim, he would find and bring us our lost friend, Ross.

Anyway, we managed to knock her out and put her into a bed. When she awoke, she would be mad and possibly still a little hungover, but we had to uphold our half of the deal. My friend, Smith, was currently getting her some water and food, while I dressed any wounds she had.

"Trott! I have the food and water!" Smith came walking in holding a tray with a class of water, a small stake, and some baked potatoes. He set it down on the table next to her bed and smiled at me. He swung his arm around my shoulders and said, cheerfully, "Don't worry! Today I'll go see Duncan and tell him we have her. We'll get Ross back soon." He then walked away, leaving me with Kim.

And so, the plot thickens. At Films (see what I did there) have taken Nanohounds and are hoping Duncan can golden retrieve Ross. All the dog puns!

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