Totally and Utterly Drunk Pt. I

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P.O.V. Ross

The night after Kim had awoken, I took her out to show her the best places to hunt at night. While we were out, she killed some sheep and had gotten us some more wool for another bed, which I was glad about, as one bed is too small.
Along our way, we also found tons of alcohol. My thoughts were, Let's celebrate Kim waking up with alcohol!!! So, as they were walking home, I said to Kim, "How about tonight we celebrate your awakening with a two person party? I have drinks!!" Kim chuckled. I laughed along
"Sure. Why not! I mean, I haven't had a drink on a while."
"Well, neither have I, as I'm the only one of Hat Films who drinks anymore..." (No really. Look it up.) I wish I had been able to find Smith and Trott throughout this last month that Kim has been asleep, but, sadly, I had found no trace of the other thirds of me.
From what I heard from Kim, Duncan has also home missing. I had attempted to find him as well, but, again, had found nothing.

We finally got home and started to set up for our 'two person party'. I couldn't help but glace at her every now and then to remind myself just how beautiful she is. Her black hair was the colour of midnight, and her one purple eye was the twilight. The way her dress flowed in the wind at the same time as her long hair.
At that time I realized that I was staring, so I appropriately looked away, not wanting her to know that I like her. I guess one could say... I love her. I would tell her, but what about Duncan? Would she just push me away if we found him?

I made this II parts so I could do a thing. Also, I have something from 5:30-8:00 tonight. Yet another also, I use roman numerals. A lot. So ya.

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