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P.O.V. Smith

Several hours after we found Kim, I ran out to Duncan's to inform him we had found Kim. When I arrived, he was working on something involving steam. "Hey, Duncan! I have so great news!" He stopped what he was doing.

"What is it? Did you guys find Kim? Can I see her?" He bombarded me with questions.

I chuckled. He was so excited. "Yes, we did, and yes you can. You just have to remember to find Ross. Now come on, let's go." I started walking back and he followed me, asking questions about how Kim was.

Once we reached the house, I noticed something. Marks were visible were we had dragged Kim to our house, allowing whoever took care of her to find us. But, we had a job, and I needed to take Duncan to Kim.

P.O.V. Duncan

After about a month of waiting, I could finally see my Kim again! I wasn't exactly expecting it at this time, but I was still glad. When Smith and I reached his house, I heard voices.

"So, uh, Trott? Why am I here again?"

"Well, you see, we told Duncan we would find you if he could do something for us."

"Oh, really? And what would that be?"

Before Trott could respond, Smith and I entered, causing the two to look our way. Kim was the first to speak. "Duncan! Hey!" That was fine, but what shocked me was her actions. Normally, she would run up and hug me. But here, she just sat, smiling up at me. She looked perfectly fine, so what was wrong?

Several seconds later, I noticed that she had scars covering her arms. "Kim!" I ran over to her arm and grabbed it. "What happened?" I looked at her, worried.

"Ah. Ya. I had a run-in with some skeletons a while back, but I'm fine now. Nothing to worry about." She pulled her arm out if my hands and looked at it. "Someone I've been staying with for a while has been took care of me while I was recovering." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trott and Smith (almost put Rythian there XD) biting their bottom lips.

"Trott? Smith? Do you have some explaining to do?"

Ooh, spooky. Duncan arrives at At Films' place to find Kim acting unusual. Also, I am incredibly tired and have had Tuck Everlasting on a loop for several days now. Over, and over, and over, and over. Yay.

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