One Bed

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P.O.V. Kim

Kim had no idea where Ross had come from, while he had no idea where she came from. They left the ship and walked, looking for their companions and remembering the past.
Suddenly, Ross sighed. "What's up? Kim asked, wondering if he was truly fine. He pointed up at the sky for her to look. She looked up and found that the moon was rising. Then she looked at the moon. Almost full.
"About one more night. Then the wolf in me comes out." He howled, mocking the fact that he was a werewolf. He then stuck our his tongue and panted. Kim giggled. She hated giggling. A sign of weakness. Ross looked at her and laughed, smiling.
They continued to walk around until they decides to rest. They stopped in an abandoned, run down house. Kim went out and grabbed some wool, but only enough to make one bed. Crap. That's not good. She bit her lip, then walked back to the house. "Hey Ross? I only found enough for one bed." Ross poked his head our from behind a wall.
"Option I, I sleep. Option II, you sleep. Option III, we sleep together." Kim looked rather odd at then last one.
"I, you should sleep. You'll be awake all of tomorrow night. II, I'm a bit tired. III, I feel a little, aroused."
Ross smirked. "You #HornyforHornby? You RANDY!!!!!" He ran at Kim and picked her up in a fireman lift. She screamed and punched his back. He threw her into the bed and ploppesddown next to her, wrapping his arms around her. She turned in his arms and hugged him, falling into a deep slumber.

Anyone else hate the new set-up for YouTube? No? Cool.

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