The Wolf

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P.O.V. Ross

I awoke early to find Kim wrapped in my arms with her's around me. (When did I start writing in first person? Oh well. Roll with it.) I got out of bed, careful not to awake Kim, and walked to the area that housed our crafting bench and our furnaces.
I checkes our furnaces and found just want I wanted; meat. I ate it all, but still there was a pit in my stomach. I walked outside and noticed that it was... dark out. I then looked at the moon. It was full. Oh no. Full moon.
I felt my body begin to grow, hair growing on my chest, arms and face. My clothes began to rip and tear. My face grew into a muzzle and I felt it was complete. I looked up at the moon and howled, knowing that Kim would hear me...

I'm sorry.

P.O.V. Kim

I was dreaming of a green house. In the green house was a white house. In the white house was a red house. Inside there were tons of babies... Screw watermelons.
I awake to the sound of a wolf howling. I get up to find that Ross isn't there. No. The moon. The wolf.... Ross what have you done? I walk outside to find a hairy mam with ripped clothes and a long muzzle.
The man looks at me. "Ross?" I ask. "Is that you?" My voice shakes as I speak. The wolf growls and lunges. I scream and feel teeth digging into my skin.

Dun dun dun!!!! I'm great at injuring Kim. XD

Happy Memorial Day!!! Tomorrow!

Who Said Enemies Can't Love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora