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P.O.V. Kim

I look towards where the voice came from. "Ross!" I smile at him happily. "I would stand if these two hadn't almost broken my leg." He walks over towards me and hugs me, picking me up in the process.

"Kim!!!! It's great to have you back!" I can feel Duncan's confused stare in my back. I then realize that I'm slowly having the air squeezed out of me.

"Ross... Put me down... Can't... breathe..." He mumbles an acknowledgement and puts me down. He then turns towards his lost friends to ask them the same question.

"So, once again. Do you have any explaining to do, Trott and Smith?" They stuttered, attempting to formulate an answer. While they were doing so, Duncan stepped forward to explain.

"You see, Ross, your friends and I had a bit of a deal. If they could somehow find Kim, the... well... I would find you. Then everyone would be in their rightful place. Flux Buddies VS. Hat Films." He smiled, but I could tell that underneath he was worried about what Ross would do.

Ross and I stared at them in shock. "Really?" We exclaim at the same time. "Did you even consider that maybe we were fine? After all, Duncan, we did crash into their ship, so there was a high chance that we would meet." I explain. His eyes widen in shock.

"I-is that you saying that you don't want to come back." His eyes start to water and I can tell that the other two men are also worried. Ross starts mumbling to himself as I tryed to come up with an answer. I then realized something

"Welllllll... with my current status, I am unsure." Duncan looked at me with a confused expression. Ross also looked confused, until he realized what I was talking about with a thoughtful 'Ohhh ya..'
Meanwhile, Trott and Smith were having a peaceful conversation about the wilderness and all the butterflies they saw yesterday.

"What do you mean 'current status'? Ross didn't do anything to hurt you, did he?" He looked over at Ross angrily, who raised his hands in defence and backed away fearfully.

"I blacked out in the middle of it, so Ross should tell you." Smith burst out laughing and everyone looked at him. "What?" I asked. "Did I say something funny?" And then I realized what I said and blushed.

"You're making it sound like he banged you so hardcore you passed out!" He laughed.

P.O.V. Ross

"Smith!" Trott hit him in the arm in reasponce to what he said, yet then started laughing along. I walked over to them and punched them both in the gut.

"What really happened," I started, "was she was attacked by a werewolf. And that werewolf was me." Duncan's jaw dropped while my two buddies looked at me in shock.

"How long have you been a werewolf?" They both questioned. I thought for a while. I remembered many of my events as a werewolf; killing a family if four, leaving only an 11 year old girl alive, restless nights of prowlung the land where our my old home used to be, watching over Kim from afar; but not when I was bitten.

"It's... difficult to pinpoint. It was before the war, but after Kim was fluxed." They stared at me in shock.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could've helped look for a cure."

"Ya, right. I don't even think there is one." Duncan was the one to speak up next.

"Actually, there is. One can preform a 'Rite of Remove Curse' and it will work, as lycanthropy, or 'Curse of the Wolf', is just a simple curse." He smiled happily as we all stared at him, shocked.

"H-how do you know that?" Kim stammered, wondering how he knew that.

"I've been reaserching Witchery lately and looked into werewolves. They seemed interesting and I thought that once I found you, we could look into becoming werewolves. But-" His face fell. "You're already one." He looked down disappointed. "But that doesn't mean we can't make me one, does it?" He returned to his toothy grin and stared back up at Kim. I looked over at her, and she had a sorry look on her face.

"I'm sorry, Dunc', but..." She paused and scratched the back if her neck awkwardly, "I can't. I'm still unsure how to operate myself when I'm a wolf. I was unconscious for about a month, (and to be honest I'm still feeling a little odd, as it's only been a day or two)."

P.O.V. Duncan

I couldn't believe it. She was leaving to live with a werewolf... depression hit me like a ton of obsidian. "Oh... I understand." Inside I just wanted to think she didn't want to hurt me, but I knew that was wrong. "I'll let you two go now." As Kim looked at me looking sorry and Ross hugged his friends goodbye, I wondered what was next for me.

There. The chapter people have been caps locking for is here. ARE YOU HAPPY???????

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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