The Awakening

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P.O.V. Kim

Even in my sleep, I could hear the sound of nature, the sound of Ross speaking to me and squeezing my hand every now and then. I could also smell blood everywhere. That surprised me. I typically can't do any of that in my sleep. Whenever Ross spoke to me, his words were "Wake up, Kim. I need you..." Whenever he stopped by, I mentally screamed at myself for not snapping right up and hugging him, holding him close.
Yet, I often thought about that night where he turned me into... one of him. That night must have been bloody and violent, as he was a wolf with his prey right in front of him. Still, I wish I could awaken and hold him, never wanting to let go. After months of the fighting amd the war, I was glad to be friends again. And I knew he cared. Every day, he would redress the injuries covering my body. He would then sit next to me and take my hand, talking to me and telling me how horrible his life was after I was hurt... by him.
Surprisingly, he wasn't there today. I never felt him, heard him, even his stench went through the smell of blood. But, when it reached night, every now an then I heard the howl of a wolf and the squeal of an animal. I instantly knew where Ross was. Full moon. The squealing stopped and I heard the sound of someone large coming into the house. It sat down in the chair next to my bed. "Ha. Even in sleep she changes. Never knew that happened." A large, clawed, furry hand grabbed mine. Yep. It was Ross. "Tonight's the full moon. I managed to stay sane enough to come here. Oh ya! I brought back some pork! I might cook it later and you can have it when you wake up... that is, if you wake up..." He sighed and his grip on my hand loosened. "Kim... wake up. Please."
I screamed in my head, Wake up! Wake up now! I tried as hard as I could to wake up, but I only managed to squeeze his hand a bit and open my mouth. Very slowly, the words came out...
"Ross... I'm here..."
I opened my eyes a little to see the same wolf I met almost a month ago holding a hand like his, only a little smaller. His eyes are bright and he looks excited. "Kim!" He yells, causing the house to shake a bit. I open my eyes more to see in place of my small frame a larger hairy body. I scream. Ross chuckles. "It's okay! That's just your body in its wolf form. Happy First Full Moon!" He chuckles some more. I sit up and look at Ross. I then lean over and rap my arms around the wolf-man. He hugs back, holding me close for the first time in several years.

AW!!!!!!!!!! I flux wolf awakens!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!

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