~S I C K N E S S~

39 2 0

Myrah Carol-Anne Johnson
July 23rd

It's been a week since I got back from the hospital.

I promised myself that I am not gonna let this unexpected pregnancy get in the way of my life and career. I will keep it and raise these children the best way I can, regardless of who the father is.

I'm really not stressing over it much, just about the part where im going to have to tell everyone.

Sooner or later I'm going to start showing and I won't be able to keep this secret for long. I decided that I'm gonna go ahead and fess up before they can hear it from someone else. I hope it works out they way I had planned.

For the past few days I haven't been able to eat anything in the mornings. I've been loosing my appetite a lot.

I'm a big girl, and I know that I can eat. That's why it's weird to the people around me when I decline my favorite foods.

And when I do eat, it's either Mac and cheese, peanut butter, pineapples, or ice cream. No in between.

Katherine: Breakfast is ready!

I heard Momma K yell from downstairs. I watched as Michael exited the bathroom, and say at the edge of the bed infront of me.

Michael: Are you ok? I'm worried.

Myrah: How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?

Michael: Are you gonna come down to eat?

Myrah: Can you bring me some pineapples?

Michael: I would, but I like apples better.

Myrah: Yet you're always drinking orange juice.

Michael: That doesn't mean anything.

Myrah: Whateva Applehead

Michael: Applehead?

Myrah: Yeah.

Michael: I like it.

Myrah: You have no choice.

I look in to his face and he had his infamous smirk on. He made that face whenever he was on his bullshit. It didn't matter if he was gonna tease you, or prank you. I already know he's gonna attack me.

As he is slowly striding towards the bed, I attempt to shimmy towards the edge of the bed with out him noticing. But I fail.

Before I could hit the floor, all I hear is 'oh no you don't', as I feel arms around my waist. My body was snatched to the middle of the bed, and soon after, the feeling was followed by the sensation of his long and soft fingers rapidly moving against my bare skin.

Myrah: STOP!


Myrah: IM SORRY!

Michael: I thought so.

And with that I was released from my torture. Michael then got off the bed and walked to the threshold of the room and turned to look at me.

Michael: Are you sure?

Myrah: If I'm jivin' I'm dying.

And at that moment Marlon rolled right off of the top bunk with a faceplant into the carpeted floor with a large thud.

My eyes widened in shock as I forgot that he was even in here.

I heard Michael's contagious laughter which automatically caused me to look sigh as well.

Unsung: A Fairy Tale ¤ 《Johnson》《Jackson》《DeBarge》Where stories live. Discover now