7. The Secret Life of Queen Bee (Short Story)

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She is a popular and well-known girl who is known as "Queen Bee." She had her life turned upside down when she participated in one of the high school traditions called "Dare Game Night." Her life is now as complicated as ever, and all she wants is her life back.


Imagine you are walking through the main doors and into the hallway. You see everybody staring at you while you are just trying to get to your locker. You used to be the most popular girl at school until a tragic "accident" changed your life forever. Well, that "accident" happened to me, and it was one of the worst times of my life, especially when I almost lost my own life.

I was known as one of the nicest, smartest, most athletic, and most well-known girls in school; everybody wanted to be me, and everybody wanted to be near me. My accident is well known all over town, and every day I must deal with people staring at me and talking about me wherever I go. You see, my accident was not an accident; it was planned by the most popular boy in school.

We used to date for quite a while, but everyone thought we were the perfect couple, but we were not, especially behind closed doors. At first, he was nice and caring, and everyone knew him. And it all started with one dare, which turned my life upside down. Every year, high school students have a day or night where two of the most popular kids in school dare to pick them. Somebody thought it would be fun to write down "sexual assault the queen bee" as a dare and thought it would be a good idea.

Dare Night should be fun and exciting, but it turned into my worst nightmare. I still have panic attacks and nightmares while walking through the halls every single day while he is still free. Do you want to know what happened that night? Trust me, it might give you the chills, as you know what happened to me.

It was a perfect Saturday night; everybody was meeting at the school, especially by the water fountain in front of it. There were different groups of students who were all provoked by the event. Everyone was split up into groups, and I happened to be with the popular kids. A Dare Night is one of the school's traditions, where you go around town and do a scavenger hunt and have fun activities that will last a lifetime of memories.

Once the game maker said the word "go," everybody took off their phones and ran in different directions, while my partner, who is also my boyfriend, and I kissed each other and started the dare game. After a few game tasks and the final task, he decided to take advantage of me in the woods behind the graveyard by the church.

He took me behind the church and sexually assaulted me a couple of times. I got pregnant from the sexual assault, and everybody thought it was my fault because of the clothes I wore that night. For a long time, while I thought it was my fault, I tried to self-harm or commit suicide to escape the pain of life.

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