confessing your love to ratchet

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it has been 3 seasons since you met the autobots. the only Autobot you have a crush on is the grumpy medic, ratchet. since you met ratchet, you had a secret crush on him but didn't tell the Autobots, jack, miko, or raf about it. sometimes youll ask your home friends for loive advices which they be happy to tell you. right jow, it is time you confess your love to ratchet.

you: *inhales and exhales deeply* ok, Y/N. you got this. ypu can tell ratchet that you love him.
ratchet: *out of nowhere* Y/N?
you: eeeekkkk!!!! *falls on your butt and rubs it where you land on* owie...... oh hi, ratchet. i didn't see you there. whats up?
ratchet: i......have something to tell you
you: i wanna tell you something as well, but you go first
ratchet: ever since we met, I've been getting these weird feelings whenever i loom at you.  just.......what is it?
you: *took a deep breath and let it all out* when we met, i had a crazy crush on yoy. i didn't want to tell optimus or the others about this or theyll lagh at me. but now....... *your eyes are filled with tears and your lips trembled* I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, RATCHET! I HAD LOVED YOY WHEN WE GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER MORE! I WANT TO CONFESS IT TO YOU, BUT I'M SCARED YOU'LL REJECT ME FOR GOOD! *you sobbed while youyre on your knees and you put your hands on your face*
ratchet: *felt moved at yoyr confession he picked you up with his hands*
you: *gasp at being picked up and youre brought to ratchet's eye level*
ratchet: *blushes* i.....i feel the same way.

at those words, rachet put his dermas (lips) onto your lips. you gasp softly but kissed ratchet back. the autobots, jack, miko, and raf saw you and ratchet kissing they smiled at the scene. even optimus approved you and  ratchet being boyfriend and girlfriend.

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