Chapter 3 - A Small Victory

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The city is quiet at night. While the moon shines brightly in the cloudless sky above, the streets are empty. The silence is broken by the occasional creaking of signs and doors as the wind blows past them.

It makes Soleil's footsteps appear even louder as her boots make contact with the rooftiles and disturb the silence of the night.

Lune steps up right next to her, her wavelength calmly resonating with Soleil's as they link hands and the older twin is enveloped by a bright light. In Lune's hand appears a sleek sword. Its metal is a pale colour, almost white, and decorated with gold. Attached to the golden handle is a single angel wing, and a bright cyan gem has been embedded in the handle, breaking the otherwise simplistic colour scheme. It matches the cyan ribbon that decorates the grip of the sword.

Soleil's face appears in the reflection on the blade as Lune adjusts her grip and light hits the metal.

"I won't interfere with this mission unless necessary, so you don't have to worry about me." Kid reminds them, carrying twin pistols in his hands.

Lune just looks back at him and nods in response.

Since this is their first official mission since joining the DWMA – even though they have fought against and hunted kishin eggs before – Lord Death had Kid, Liz and Patty accompany the twins as they go after the kishin egg that has been roaming the streets of Death City for some time now. He knew it wasn't really necessary, but it's better to be safe. Lune was fine with it and even Soleil had begrudgingly accepted the company. While it will require them to withhold some of their abilities – which they avoid relying on to begin with – it's not a big issue.

Soleil waits patiently in her weapon form as Lune closes her eyes to search for the soul of the target. The older twin doesn't necessarily wait because she's so patient, but more because she will know it will take much longer if she constantly disrupts Lune's focus. Regardless, the ability to look into people's souls and focus on one point, filtering out all the white noise, is something that still impresses Soleil. She would probably go a little insane after a while if her own sixth sense was so accurate.

Maybe Lune might too eventually, since they suspect that Lune's well-developed sixth sense is also what makes her more susceptible to madness than her twin.

"I found him." Lune mutters. Her voice doesn't waver, no trace of insecurity can be found.

She knows where the kishin egg is.

"Lead the way." Soleil responds, matching Lune's certainty.

Lune nods once more and takes off with Kid following behind. Soleil allows her sister to guide them through the empty streets of Death City, spotting a cat that darts out of the way when Lune startles it. The younger twin doesn't notice, being too fixated on the soul she sensed to pay much attention to her surroundings. Since a cat isn't that big of a deal, Soleil doesn't comment on it.

Eventually Lune skits to a halt, jumping back to avoid a deformed, large hand slamming down on the pavement in front of her. Without saying anything – they can feel it in their souls – both Lune herself and Soleil's weapon form begin to glow.

When the light vanishes once more, Soleil is the one holding a sword. The weapon in her hand looks extremely different compared to her own form, being made of a dark metal with black highlights and many jagged edges. The wing attached to its handle is that of a bat, just as sharp and jagged as the rest of the weapon, and in the handle itself lies a diamond-shaped dark purple gemstone with what looks like a slit pupil in the center. The ribbon around the grip matches the stone as well, although the colour is a bit duller.

There's no time for Soleil to stand around, as the other hand comes down to crush her. She waits for only a split second, before jumping out of the way. As soon as her feet make contact with the pavement below, she pushes herself off it again to drive the blade through the hand that just attacked her.

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