Chapter 17 - Live

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Her footsteps echo through her room as Soleil paces around, putting her hands in her hair, which Lune had been happy to style for her before she left to go spend time with Tsubaki again now that she's feeling well enough, stable enough. Then she remembers to not mess up her hair and drops them again.

She's not sure what emotions she's feeling right now. Nervous? Absolutely, but that's not why she's pacing around so much.

"Soleil, dear, are you okay?" Estelle asks "I could hear you from downstairs."

Soleil hadn't even heard her open the door. Stopping her movements, she looks up at her mother and just shrugs. She doesn't know if she's okay.

However, her mother seems to know as she approaches Soleil and gives her a hug "Allow yourself to live a little."

"Live?" Soleil repeats the word, finally finding the term she had been looking for to try and figure out what she's feeling. It's similiar to how she felt at the party.


"I know you've been through so much." Estelle says, gently stroking Soleil's hair "You've been in survival mode for a long time. It's like you've forgotten to also think of yourself a little, not just think of us... or your father."

Soleil sighs "It's just hard. I want to help papa and... and I feel like I'm not doing enough."

"That's not your responsibility, Soleil." Estelle says softly "I too want him to be saved, but not at the cost of you and your happiness." She pulls back a little to look Soleil in the eye "Papa and I are adults. You're still just a teenager, even though you're very responsible. Let yourself be normal for once. Find happiness in the mundane things."

Considering her mother's words, Soleil looks down. She barely even knows what normal looks like. She only experienced that feeling since they moved to Death City, and even then seeing her father again here has really lessened that feeling.

"If it'll make you feel better, I'll talk to Lord Death to see if he knows anything about cursed weapons. I was planning to see him anyways. But you have to promise me you'll just focus on enjoying your date."

That does make her feel a little better "That'd be nice. I'll do my best."

Her mother gives her a look.

Soleil sighs "Alright, I promise I'll try."

Estelle smiles "Good. You should head out soon then. You wouldn't want to be late for your first date now."

"With how punctual Kid is, no." Soleil makes her way to the door. Before she leaves her room, she looks back to say "Thanks maman."

"It comes with being a mother. Now go have fun."

When Soleil has left, Estelle looks over at one of the family pictures, the one where the twins had yet to activate their weapon gene. It has been put upright again. Looking at her family, a sad smile tugs on her lips.

"Yves... you'd be so proud of our girls..."


Soleil ends up being a little earlier than expected, finding herself standing outside the building to wait for Kid. Fortunately the weather is pleasant – though Lune must be complaining about the heat right now.

It doesn't take long for him to arrive though, punctual as usual. He greets her warmly. She returns the gesture. It's a little awkward until she opens her arms to give him a hug.

When they pull away again, she comments "An arcade, huh?"

"You didn't seem like the type who'd want a fancy dinner." Kid smiles "Although, I did get some help from Liz and Patty with suggestions. They were rather excited."

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