Chapter 5 - Familiar Faces

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They're at school when Lune feels it. A strange feeling that settles in her chest, gripping her soul in its cold, harsh clutches. She recognizes it's her sixth sense picking up on something, a familiar wavelength, yet unfamiliar. It's like someone took what she has always known and twisted it into something horrible.

It causes her hand to freeze above the latest addition of the mess of doodles she had been sketching in her notebook.

Soleil picks up on this, despite paying more attention to the lecture, looking over at her sister with a raised eyebrow "Something wrong?"

Lune smiles and shakes her head "I'm fine. I just got distracted for a moment."

She chooses to ignore it and continues sketching the outlines of Lord Death's mask. She's probably just nervous. Yeah, that has to be it.


With the sun starting to sink closer to the horizon, Soleil has to dodge the people in the street that are returning home from work and school. She mutters an apology when bumping shoulders with someone, but doesn't look back. When she and Lune came home from school, Estelle had asked if one of them could buy her some groceries and Soleil volunteered to save Lune from the trouble called exercise, which now leaves her trying to not get stuck in the crowds.

Other than the one incident, she manages to avoid running into anyone without much effort. One of her hands is kept in her pocket, ensuring that the few bills her mother gave her to pay for the groceries are still there. She's still not entirely used to the lack of coins here, being much more familiar with the comfortable weight of metal in her pockets.

Still, the change in currency has been a lot less difficult to adjust to than the change in climate. While Soleil had endured heat waves during the summer months in France, Death City feels like a constant heat wave at this time of year. Lune has expressed her dislike for the temperatures as well as the lack of rain and snow multiple times already, being a lot less comfortable in warmer climates than Soleil.

Hearing someone call out her name behind her, Soleil turns to the source to find Kid. She greets him in return and asks "What are you doing here?"

"I had to run a couple of errands before heading home." He explains "I could ask you the same question."

"And I could give you the same answer." Soleil responds with a grin, which then morphs into a smile as she adds "My mother sent me out to get some groceries."

"I see. You and Lune still live with your parents then?"

"Just... my mother actually." Soleil corrects him with some hesitation. They have begun walking again, though at a more relaxed pace that she would have if she were by herself "My father travels a lot. I haven't seen him in a while..." She shakes her head and looks at Kid "I guess you just live with Liz and Patty?"

He nods "I do. My father doesn't live with us, but I still see him almost every day at the DWMA. If I don't it's usually because I'm on a mission."

"That's nice." Soleil hums "So how's collecting souls coming along? Anywhere close to making Liz and Patty Death Scythes?"

"Not yet, unfortunately. We try to take on missions where we can collect a large amount of souls at once, but that's not always possible." Kid shrugs "It's a lot more difficult to collect twice the amount of souls, but being symmetrical during battle is worth it."

Soleil chooses not to comment on the symmetry part "Oh, I know. I'm kinda in the same boat here."

"Ah, right. It slipped my mind for a moment that you and Lune are both weapons." Kid smiles "We could do a mission that allows us to collect more souls together at some point. I'm sure you're more than capable enough."

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