Chapter 14 - Letting Go

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It's dark.

The small blue souls flickering are the only thing Lune sees through the pitch black that surrounds her. With the exception of the ones near her, these souls are unfamiliar. Unfamiliar and untouched by madness.

She opens her eyes again "Nothing."

"Same here." Maka agrees with a sigh. She leans her forehead against the handle of Soul's weapon form "Ugh, this is so frustrating!"

"Patience." Kid reminds them "We'll see if he shows up. Just check occasionally to see if you can sense anything yet."

Lune nods while Maka seems to mutter something to her partner.

"Remind me why we got the boring job." Blackstar complains, sitting on the edge of the roof the four of them are standing in.

"Because my father suspects this individual is responsible for attracting so many kishin eggs to Death City, so he has to be apprehended." Kid responds.

"That doesn't explain why us!"

"The soul perception of Maka and Lune is incredibly strong, so they'll be able to see him coming before any of us. And we're here to back them up."

Lune tunes out of their conversation, picking up on a small shift in Soleil's wavelength and switching to their first language to ask "You okay?"

"Yeah." Soleil responds with a sigh "It's just hard."

"I'm sure we'll figure something out. Don't worry."

Soleil doesn't respond, seemingly lost in her own thoughts again. Lune doesn't press the matter. Sure, it's hard for both of them to possibly have to face their father in his current state, and to hear their friends talk about him like the enemy, but it has been much more difficult for the older twin. If only they had known what they would be asked to do before Lord Death called them to the Death Room.

Maybe they should have told the others about this. Lune understands that they would still have to put a stop to their father's attacks on the city, but it would have at least saved them the awkwardness. Or it would have made it even more awkward.

There's no time though, because she feels it and exchanges a quick look with Maka before diving back into the darkness to pinpoint the location of the familiar soul.

He's there, just on the edge of her sixth sense's range but there nonetheless, and he's not alone. A few kishin eggs seem to accompany him. He must have just shown up and attracted any nearby kishin eggs on his way.

When Lune pulls back from her ability, she stumbles briefly and reaches for the side of her head with her free hand.

Completely unshaken, Maka states "He's here."

Ignoring the pounding in her head, Lune mutters "We should go."

She and Maka start moving, knowing where to go, and the other two meisters follow behind them. Maka has to call back Blackstar when he heads in the wrong direction, frustrated by his impatience, while Kid only picks up his pace to get ahead of them once Yves enters the range of his soul perception as well.

The nearby kishin eggs attack them before Yves can, and Lune is almost grateful for the distraction. With these kishin eggs, she doesn't have to feel concern or guilt at the thought of harming them. She doesn't have to deal with all these complicated feelings that live in her head and make it difficult to sleep at night. Wielding a weapon is familiar. The weight in her hand as the blade slices through grey skin is comforting.

She was never made for a quiet, peaceful life, not after everything that has happened and not with all the power she has. But perhaps that was already the case even before she tapped into all of her weapon abilities. The adrenalin that rushes through her veins, fueling her body, as she fights this kishin egg is definitely the meister in her. The thrill of battle... it's almost addicting.

A Blessed Curse [Rewrite]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें