Chapter 18 - Understanding

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"Finally solid ground!" Lune exclaims, breathing a sigh of relief as soon as they leave the airport "Oh, how I've missed you."

"I didn't know you were that scared of heights, Lune." Tsubaki notes.

"Don't worry. With me on board, the plane is never going to crash." Blackstar... assures her?

"Not how that works." Soleil mutters, mostly to herself considering there's no way she'll be able to best him in terms of loudness.

She would rather have done a mission with just Lune, but with the madness only just having stabilized, they needed another pair with them. And all things considered, these two are the best option in case something goes wrong with the younger twin again. Tsubaki is one of the kindest most patient souls Soleil has ever met, and Blackstar is incredibly headstrong. Besides, they're good friends, especially to Lune. If she has to rely on anyone to help her bring her sister back from the edge, Soleil is glad it's them. She only hopes it won't come to that.

"Alright, just the last bit of travel left."


Once they arrive in their destination Blackstar leads them to briefly scout their environment to find a good spot to lie in wait. Soleil is kind of surprised to find him to be rather serious about this, then reminds herself that he's an assassin. It makes sense for him to be good at stealth when he's not busy loudly announcing his presence to the world.

"Sol, remind me what I'm looking for." Lune whispers as the sun's last rays begin to disappear behind the horizon.

"You really didn't pay attention when Lord Death gave us instructions?" Soleil hisses.

"Nope, so you can either tell me and this will be efficient or it might take a while for me to sense the kishin egg."

"I hate how talented you are sometimes." Soleil mutters under her breath, heaving a sigh before she explains "We're looking for two kishin eggs, actually. They always stay close together and come out at night, usually in this area."

"They stick together, huh? That helps. Merci."

Lune takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, focusing on the souls she finds around them.

Soleil watches for a moment, then shifts her attention on their physical environment, turning her left ear to the side of the group she's on to pick up on any sounds that might be lurking in the night.

Lune holds out a hand, eyes still closed "Soleil."

"My turn? Alright."

Taking her sister's outstretched hand, Soleil transforms into her weapon form. Lune grips the handle with both hands, looking ahead as she does so.

After a glance from Lune, Blackstar follows "Tsubaki, chain scythe mode."

"Alright." Tsubaki responds before transforming, becoming the familiar weapon in Blackstar's hands.

"How far are they?"

Lune briefly closes her eyes for another moment, getting a good feel for the two souls approaching their location "At the pace they're moving, maybe three minutes?"

"Alright. Let's give them a warm welcome then." Blackstar throws one end of the chain scythe to a tree opposite of them.

The chain wraps around the tree, and a few more quick tosses follow while Lune keeps a close sense on the souls, biting her lip. Blackstar finishes setting up his trap quickly though, and she finds herself releasing a breath when he joins her in the shadows again. They're close now, too close for her liking.

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