Chapter 6 - Breaking Down

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Lune finds herself spending almost every waking moment by her sister's side. She glances at the growing stack of paper on the small table next to the bed Soleil rests in. Most of those papers are homework exercises, which Lord Death thankfully allowed them to miss, that Tsubaki has been bringing over. The other papers are copies of the notes Maka has taken during classes, which the scythe meister has been giving Lune to pass to Soleil in case she needs them.

It would be better to organize them a little more neatly, but Lune has found herself tired and drained of any motivation lately. It's probably the lack of sleep. She has had too much on her mind lately after all. Between Soleil's severe injuries and their father having given in to madness during the years that they hadn't seen him, there has been very little space for any peace of mind.

Their mother had been devastated when Lune told her. She considered withholding the truth from Estelle so she wouldn't get hurt, but she just couldn't do it. Their mother deserved to know. She had been dropping by a lot too, usually with meals prepared for herself, Lune and Soleil, although her older daughter would never be awake to have them.

Still, it never kept Estelle from bringing an extra portion for Soleil.

She just left, but not after threatening to put a bullet through Spirit Albarn's skull when the Death Scythe passed by the infirmary and shamelessly tried to flirt with her.

That means Lune is left alone again, spending a few more hours in the infirmary until sunset to get maybe a few hours of restless sleep if she's lucky.

Voices outside the infirmary catch her attention.

"Why did I have to come drop off homework? I could be training right now." Blackstar complains.

"Because Lune is our friend and needs our support, and the same goes for Soleil." Tsubaki's voice is sharper than Lune usually hears it, leaving no room for Blackstar to argue.

Lune waits for the knock on the door, before telling them to come in. Tsubaki passes her the homework, expressing her concern and asking how the sisters are doing. In turn, Lune brushes it off, reassuring the other weapon that she's fine and that things will be okay.

She's not entirely convinced herself. She has never been the most optimistic thinker.

But between hers and Tsubaki's politeness, Blackstar is the one speaking truth when he says "Lune, you look like shit."

Tsubaki rushes to apologize for her meister's words, but Lune falls silent for a moment. Not because she takes offence to the statement, but because no one but Soleil would have delivered such harsh words to her. People often considered her fragile, thought she was too weak to stand on her own two feet and fight back. Soleil didn't, always giving it to her straight. Sometimes it's like Soleil is the only one who believes in her, other than their mother and in the past their father.

It's refreshing that someone she has no familial ties to dares to give her the harsh truth.

A small smile tugs at her lips "I guess I do."

She doesn't explain further, doesn't elaborate how she has been restless and carrying the weight of everything almost entirely by herself. She can't tell them or anyone else about the thoughts that have been heavy on her mind without telling them everything else, the secret Soleil won't let anyone know about.

They can't move on like this, with the past looming over them quite literally now, Lune knows as much, but in the meantime she can build trust and connect with people. Even if they can't understand her battles yet, the voices she fights so hard to keep at bay, she still wants to let them in and allow them to support her in the ways they can.

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