84 - Lingering Onward Dreamily

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There was nothing but dust, dirt, and a strange, throbbing pain that was somewhat distant. It hurt, but it only felt like the memory of a long-past insufferable pain. And there was lots of noise.

Lord, he couldn't even die in peace.

Someone was screaming—a lot of people were screaming, actually, their voices far, far away.

Rome coughed up a mouthful of blood. He could see nothing but vague shapes, dust, and black spots. He moved. He wasn't exactly sure how he moved, or what he moved. He just...moved. Or maybe he hadn't moved at all.

He blinked, or maybe he didn't. He was staring up. At least he thought it was up. But maybe it was actually down.

Rome sat up, and as he did so, the pain returned, shooting through his entire body. Everything hurt. Everything was...wet. He was surprised that his brain still seemed to be functioning...somewhat, but who knew how long that would last.

It took him a moment to actually see what was going on. It was hard to focus on shapes when all he could hear was white noise and a shrill ringing in his ears.

He saw Austin first. It was easy to tell it was him because he was the only one wearing white. Though now his white shirt was sort of brown. And red.

Wait a minute. What was Austin doing there?

Was Rome dreaming?

He had to be dreaming because the harder he looked, the more certain he was that it was Austin, but not really Austin. Just an Austin somewhere in his mind because Austin couldn't be there. He'd said he wouldn't come back. He'd promised.

And then Rome was really sure he was dreaming because the noise was dying away, and everything sounded very distant. He turned his head, and his neck felt like it might snap from the slight movement. He winced, but it hurt to wince, too.

Rome's head was throbbing. He closed his eyes for a moment, and it felt nice. But then he realized that he was seeing nothing, so he opened them again and the dream continued.

Austin was next to Rome now, kneeling so they were at the same level. Rome tried to focus on his face, but his eyes were too bright and they hurt, so he looked away.

He could still hear the noise of a crowd. Heavy clangs and thuds. The Duels, somewhere.

And then he saw a figure. It was two figures, really. Rome caught a glimpse of red and black and knew what it was, so he looked back at Austin, who had been in the middle of saying something.

Austin was looking over Rome's head at the figures. Rome wanted to get Austin's attention again, but he couldn't move or say anything, so he just waited.

The figures came over. Rome wasn't sure whether this was a dream or a nightmare anymore.

"I think we should..." Austin said something that Rome couldn't remember, so he just blinked and waited for it to all make sense. Austin glanced at him, and Rome wondered if Austin's eyes were somehow brighter in this dream.

"There really are more important matters to attend to," said a woman's voice. Rome hated it.

"I think they can wait until he's more conscious," Austin said.

"I thought you needed the Crown," said Euryn. Rome hated his voice just as much.

"I can get them later," Austin said.

There was an exasperated sigh. "Then what was the point of running out into the arena like an idiot?"

"Get what?" said Rome before he'd even realized he wanted to say it. He hadn't even realized he could still speak.

Austin looked at him. "Nothing."

Rome had the distinct feeling he was lying, though he wasn't sure where that feeling had come from. He just felt so tired. Everything was numb but hurt at the same time.

He just wanted to go home.

He just wanted to close his eyes.

So he did.

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