Nicole Lost The Room Key!

15 2 23

Hampton Inn

Williamston, North Carolina

Charlotte: Where is the room key?

Nk_works: I can't find it! I thought I had it in my pocket!

Charlotte: You idiot!!! We're locked out of our room!

Room Key: *on the floor in the lobby*

Nk_works: I told you to hold onto it!

Charlotte: No, I said you could! Guess we have to sleep in the hallway tonight!

Nk_works: *crying* I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! *crying up a storm that her tears flood the hallway*

Charlotte: Stop crying! The hallway is getting flooded!

Nk_works: *still crying up a storm*

Hallway: *flooded due to Nicole's tears*

Nk_works: *in Alice's voice* I gotta stop crying so much.

Charlotte: *floating and glares at Nicole*

This story was written on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022.

A/N Darn!! Nicole lost the room key!!! How irresponsible of her! Now she and Charlotte have to sleep in the hallway! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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