Chapter 1: Beginning of the End

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I awoke with a cold sweat. It's still dark outside. Suddenly, a sharp burning sensation started in my chest and slowly radiating through out my body.
The pain is unbearable.I scream out in pain.
I passed out from the intensity. While out, I have a vision.

^Gates.......4 gates tearing open simultaneously right through home. Through Hawkins. But how. Then he appears.......One. But he was injured. His left eye appeared to be covered by the grotesque skin that covered his body currently, unable to see it. Did he lose it?
"I'm coming for you. You cannot run any longer. Ive already gotten one of the others, and unless you want me to take the other, you will join me. You will join me, or you will all die." A deep, dark voice said. ^

I come to and stare off. My heart is beating like a wild stallion. I can't delay. I jump up and take a quick shower to get the sweat off. I throw up my hair.

I put on some black jeans with an olive green sweater and a fur and leather vest over top.

I threw on my trusty black doc martins. Afterward, I pack up a few outfits and grab my pocket knife and lighter. Really regret giving up smoking. Could use a cig right now. I look over at my closet and debate with myself. After a minute, I walk over and pull out an unlabeled box. I pull off the top and inside I see my leather bracers, leather chest plate, a small blade (dagger size), and a bag that attaches around waist and thigh that also has a place to hold a long blade. I turn back around to my closet and propped in the back corner is a long blade in a sheath. Yes.......a sword. I grabbed it and threw it on the bed next to the box. I pull out the chest plate. All of the items are clearly handmade. I hand-made this stuff during my time in the upside down to help me survive. I took what I could find there and made these. It was not the best, but it did what i had to do. I run my fingers over two deep gashes and smaller perforations in the leather. Attacked by one of the many creatures over there, and this save me. The claws and teeth couldn't get through. I have a feeling I will need all of this again. I throw this stuff in my backpack with some clothes, grab the sword, my stash of cash I've saved from various jobs, and walked out of my apartment down to my 83' Mazda RX-7.

I threw my bag and sword in the trunk and take off for Hawkins.

During the 4 hr drive, I finally start to think and process everything.........

'He was finally able to break through. He weakened the wall enough for it to break. He is proceeding with his plans to bring the Upside Down to our realm of reality. To destroy it all. Which means I need to get home. It takes energy and time to break through from the other side without anyone helping from this side, and he's bringing any army. But that still doesn't give me tons of time. I need to prepare now.'

'The Henry I knew that protected me.... Cared for me, was long gone and replaced by this monster. I should've done more to try to help him. My actions or lack thereof helped make him this. I have to stop him. I'm done running. I cannot run from who I am and where I came from anymore.'

'Hawkins......I'm coming home.'

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