Chapter 6: Reunion

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Steve drove us to a cabin in the wood on the other side of Hawkins. Another place out of the way like mine. Only slightly bigger. There is another car and a yellow pizza van. We get out of the car. I stand leaning against the open door, looking at the cabin. Tarps stretch across the roof. My little shack appears to be in slightly better condition. The front door opens to the cabin. I shut the car door. Dustin, Steve, and Robin are in front of me. Out comes a skinny boy with black hair.

"We said 9. Where have you been?!" He says irritated. He stops and stares daggers when his eyes reach me. "Who is that? Why did you bring someone?"

"We're here now. Calm your shit Mike. This is Kas." Dustin snaps back.

"You need to hear what she has to say." Robin adds. Having heard the commotion, more people spill out of the house. A girl who looks about the same age as Robin and Steve, a boy who stood next to the girl with his arm around her shoulder. My guess is boyfriend. They stood up on the porch. Next, a boy with a bowl cut followed immediately by a girl with a buzzed haircut. I stand laser focused on the girl. I would know her anywhere with that cut.......... Eleven. I did everything I could to keep the tears back. Her and the boy walked cautiously down the few steps and stopped at the end. Slowly, I move in front of the 3 towards her, making sure not to spook her. Does she recognize me? I stopped a few steps away.

"Eleven?" I say quietly. She looks nervously at me. Then at the boy next to her, then back at me. I take one more step, and she steps back.

"I don't know you." She says quietly. I feel like I've been kicked. Of course she didn't. Papa did say no one would remember me. I lift up my left sleeve, showing her my wrist. I hadn't noticed the older man and woman that have now appeared in the doorway. Eleven looks at my marking and slowly comes over to me. Gently, she reaches up and touches it.
"Why have I seen that before?"  She questions, looking up at me. How do I even start? If Papa did a memory block like he did on me with Henry/One, then we can break thru together. He helped me by showing me memories that brought all mine back. Maybe I can do the same with her, but will she let me?

"My name is Kassandra......Kas. You knew me as Omega........I'm your sister." I try to explain. She looks at me in disbelief. Mike chimed in.

"That's not possible. She doesn't have a sister. She was the only one -" I cut him off.

"Only one left from the lab." I say, looking at him. I shook my head. "Not exactly. I was there. Papa, he........let's just say I escaped. You and I were close once."

She looks at me confused. "Why can't I remember?"

"I believe Papa put up a block in your mind to remove all memories of me. He liked to do that when he wasn't getting what he wanted out of you. He thought he could get a clean slate that way. He did that with me and my memories of One when I was there.......but I was able to beat it and bring my memories back. I believe we can do that with you.......if you want them." She looks back at the man in the doorway.

"Up to you, kiddo." He tells her.

"How?" She asked.

"One showed me my memories with him, making them come back. I think if you let me do the same with you, we can break through.........but I have to warn you. Not all of it was good. In particular, the last one we have together." She looks down for a moment, appearing to think it over.

"Okay." I slowly move my hands up and hold each side of her face, placing my forehead on her. She has grown so much that she is now almost as tall as I am. I close my eyes and feel a shot of electricity shooting through my hands into her. Memories of the two of us begin to flash through my mind. Us happy, laughing, playing. Me sneaking into her room with smuggled in candy. Papa punshing me in front of her. Beating me as an example to the rest. Finally, the memory of the day I escaped. Of her, One, and myself. Her being taken away screaming for me. I can feel the tears begin to fall. We both are thrown back with an energy wave. Everyone rushed over to Eleven. Steve rushed to my side, kneeling down. Placing a hand on my cheek.

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