Chapter 8: Alone at last

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⚠️⚠️Smut Warning⚠️⚠️

The drive to the shack was mostly silent.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that with El and One."

"I hated everyone for a long time. Anyone who had anything to do with that lab. Just people in general, really, feeling like I couldn't trust anyone. Especially after feeling betrayed by One. But now, you guys have given me a different look on things. Yea, it was horrible, but I survived, and that made me the badass I am today." I say, jokingly. No matter what, I always feel hurt from that. They were my family, after all.

"Yea, it did." Steve replied.
"How come you didn't mention Five before?"

"Not much to tell. Being only 2 years apart, he was the closest to my age. I think that's why we bonded. We just had something that I've never had and probably never will have with anyone. First person I unconditionally cared for. That time alone, I saw us surviving together. But once I was taken, not even sure what happened to him or if he's alive."

"Sorry if this is weird, but what you guys were dating? I thought that's what soulmates are." Steve said, slightly depressed.

"I always thought of it as a person that you have a deep connection with. That you know better than yourself. I've been told you can have multiples or it could be your best friend. Doesn't mean a significant other. But we weren't at an age or situation where we would date or even know what that was." I look over to see he doesn't seem too cheered up.
"You don't need to worry. I kinda have this thing for this other guy. Brown eyes, luscious hair, looks amazing in a t-shirt." A smile creeps up on his face.
"You think Dustin likes me?" I say jokingly. Steve looks over at me, wide mouthed, and begins tickling my side.

We reached the shack and went inside.

"Here I have something to show you." I walked to my room with Steve following behind me.

"I like where this is going."  I look back at him and roll my eyes. On the wall across from the end of my bed, I felt along, feeling for a special groove.

"Here you are." I say to myself, finding it. I push against it, hearing a latch open. Stepping back, that part of the wall is coming up from the rest. A hidden panel. I open it up and pull out my breast plate and gauntlets, and throw them on the bed. Next, I grab my dagger and sword. I walk over to the bed and lay them down.
"This is my pride and joy." I say, unsheathing the blade. The blade had a slight redish hue while the handle was demogorgon bone wrapped in black leather. It was only about 18 inches long.
"I call her Ruby." I handed her to Steve. I sit down on the side of the bed while he swings it around, pretending to fight. I can't help but laugh.

"This is awesome."

"Easy there, killer." I say watching him.

"You made this over there?" He asks, placing it back in its sheath and props it in the corner.

"I made all of it." He comes over and picks up the chest plate. I move the dagger and gauntlets to the floor so he can sit on the bed. He sits next to me, running his hand over the slices in it.

"That happened from a bat. A rogue one found me and attacked. I tried controlling it with the newfound power, but I hadn't used it enough to figure out how. Luckily, it hit the plate. Well, mainly." I stand up, lifting the right side of my shirt slightly to make my scars visible.

"God........Kas." He says, shocked. His hand immediately goes to it and traces my scars. His touch is soft and gentle. My body begins to tingle and heat up. He realized what he was doing and removed his hand, trying to be a gentleman.

Omega Kassandraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें