Chapter 2: Home

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It's early morning, having left my apartment around 430 this morning. I'm pulling into Hawkins while there is bumper to bumper traffic with people trying to get out of town. They all look at me strangely with some even honking. All I can think is that it's good they are leaving because this may get ugly. Hopefully, the entire town will wise up and leave. Less collateral damage. I turn down an empty back road.

I decided I should run by the lab to see.....I don't even know, really. I've heard rumors after I left but never cared if they were true. The last thing I needed was Papa learning. I was alive and sending people after me again.

I pull up to a gate and look through.

'There it is........ Hawkins Lab. Windows and doors are boarded up. It looks like a ghost town. Looks like the rumors were true. They closed it down. So that must mean............Eleven. Last I heard. was that she took out a demogorgon and herself in the process 3 years ago. One sent it to try and get ahold of her once she grew strong enough to break through again. I wish I could've been there to protect her like a sister should. I've doomed everyone and lost any family I had.'

A tear falls down my cheek.

'I'm such a coward.'

I head back to my car, unable to bear the memories the view had brought up. All the times we spent together in the rainbow room and all the beatings and torture I endured because I didn't follow Papas rules and fought him on punishing Eleven and lock her away. I fall to pieces once in the car.

A few minutes later, I compose myself, and I'm driving through town. I decided that instead of going to the local motel and raising questions, I would go to the little shack I found in the woods by the lake when I escaped. It should still have supplies. I slow down as the police try their best to direct traffic downtown.

I look over as I drive by the high school. Looks like they've set up a shelter there. Signs everywhere saying donations are welcomed. While most of the cars in front of me turn into there, I keep driving. Eventually, I see this overgrown dirt road leading through the woods. I turn and drive down this about 5 miles until I see it. A tiny shack. Looking at it, you wouldn't think it was actually three rooms.

I get out, grab my stuff from the trunk, and head inside. I almost have to break the door down to get inside. The hinges had rusted stiff, and grass was overgrown. Inside, everything is covered with dust and cobwebs. Looks like I got a bit of cleaning to do. In the first room was a small couch against the wall across from the front door with a small TV angled towards it on the left side. Here by the door, on the right wall was a fridge and oven and a small table I used as a counter to make food. Next to that was the door that led to the tiny bathroom. A sink and toilet only. I took baths in the lake the couple of months I was here. Finally, in the back corner to the right of the couch was the door to the tiny bedroom. I walked over and opened it. The room was slightly bigger than a closet. It had room enough for a twin bed and not much else. The small radio and camping lamp were still on the floor where i left them. Their were also two stacks of boxes I squeezed by that were 2 boxes high. I opened one to find a pair of sheets and a blanket that I put in there. The rest of the boxes had more blankets, and one box had clothes I stole that will no longer fit and a few stuffed animals. I think I'm going to donate that stuff. Their are some people who can use it more than me right now. I throw down my bag on the floor and dig out my Walkman, and put in one of my mixtapes. I press play, and Everybody Want To Rule The World by Tears for Fears, begins to play through the headset. Ironic right now, but it is a favorite of mine. I put the sheets on the bed and begin cleaning. After about 2 hours, the place is cleaned to where it's at least livable. I grab the boxes and load them into my car, and head towards the school.

Once I get there, I stack up the boxes and decide to try and make one trip carrying all 3. I can barely see over the top of them. This wasn't my best idea. Of course, it's my luck that I find the one rock in the parking lot and trip. I am able to get my feet under me quick enough, but not before the top box decides to fall. Fortunately for me, someone caught it before it went everywhere.

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