Chapter 7: History Lesson

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After introductions for everyone, El decided to tell me what had happened since she was able to escape. Everything with Will and the Mind Flayer, the weird flesh thing, and all the recent happenings with Papa and Vecna. They even told me about their friend Max, who died and came back. (I asked El if she did it using her mind, and she ever so slightly nodded. That was one of the powers they were working on developing last time we were together.)

Dustin even told me about his pal Eddie, who sacrificed himself over there. Now it was my turn. It's time to tell my story. There is no showing memories this time, though. That was too much last time.

"My earliest memory is being in Hawkins Lab at 6 years old. I was told by Papa that my parents didn't want me because of my powers and that he would take care of me. 1970 was the year project Omega started. The year I arrived. All records and memories of me and the project were destroyed so no one would find out, which also included killing me. I was the first one experimented on. Hence, the reason they are all numbers and I'm not. I wasn't very cooperative with giving him the results he wanted. So he wanted to try something new. That's when he found out about Henry........Henry Creel. He was brought in, in.....73 i believe. Henry was 13. I was 9 at this time and had already been through a lot. It was just the 2 of us for a while, and between the testing and the beatings, we leaned on each other. We became family. He was my brother. But he always had that dark side. Papa didn't like the influence he was having on me even with the results he got. Henry was demoted to being an aid, and a device was placed in his neck that took away his ability to use his powers. I ended up having  the same thing done to me, but because I had a gift with electricity, I was able to force my power through and short circuit my device. About killed myself doing it. Anyways, when El was old enough, she was moved into the older group with the other children. I believe that was 77. We watched over the children. El was smaller than the rest and struggling. I was drawn to her and took it as a personal mission to help and protect her. I knew what Papa was doing to us was wrong, and I would do anything to protect her. Clearly, I failed after everything she had been through." I look sadly at the floor.
"Over time, Henry formed extreme hatred and resentment for anyone in that lab. He lost the kind part of who he was and took on the mantle of One. I was the only one he cared about. He still took care of me, but he began resenting me as well as I found friendship with another. Five. He was my best friend; my brother; my soulmate. We had a connection deeper than I can explain." I look up as I realize Im rambling. Everyone looked intrigued by what I was saying except Steve, who looked a little sad. I continued, "Sorry. Anyway, I knew that One was preparing for something big and bad. I just didn't know what. 1979, the same day that he was sent to the Upside down by El.......earlier that day the three of us were punished after One helped El and I sneak into the rainbow room to do some extra training just her and I. That was the day that Papa tried to kill me. The memory I showed you guys." I said, pointing towards Robin and Dustin.
"I was able to escape that day with one of the others. With Five. I tried to get to El as well, but she was locked away in a special area. When I escaped, we just ran, not knowing where to go or what to do. Everything was new and strange. I stole us some clothes and some food and found a lone empty shack in the woods. We were there for a few months till one night. I could hear him. One's voice but not. It was darker. I was attacked by a demogorgon and told Five to run. Then I was dragged to the upside down. The gate closed behind me with no way to out. The demogorgon brought me to One. He had fully become Vecna. He said I either serve him as his right hand or he would kill me. I knew the Henry I knew was long gone. It seemed that he didn't know I wasn't the only one left, and I was afraid for not only myself that he might find out about Five. I tried to fight, but he had the demobats attack me. They took bites out of me, and I couldn't take it. I surrendered. I was Vecnas general for 2 years. Using my powers to invade the minds of everyone in Hawkins to find who would serve his purpose best. In doing so, he granted me what he called a gift. He healed my wounds and gave me the ability of the demobat." Dustin was about to ask, but I interrupted. "Yes, Flight was included, but I never mastered it." I say, looking at him. "Their was also this." I show my teeth, and with concentration, two small fangs appear.My nose begins to bleed."Don't worry. It's very hard to make them appear, so I never do."

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