Chapter 3: Found Out

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***some fluff***

A month has gone by, and I've gone every day to help at the shelter. I've gotten to know Robin, Dustin, and Steve. We hang out all the time. Robin is so chaotic, I love it. Dustin is super smart and a beautiful nerd. He's become like an annoying little brother. Steve and him have a good relationship. It's sweet to see. Steve and I have become close. We talk all the time. He is super sweet, even has been protective, and genuinely seems interested in what I have to say. No one has ever listened like he does. The way he looks at me, I can't help but feel something. Something exciting that takes over my whole body. Every time I see him, it takes everything I have to keep from grabbing him and kissing him. We both have been flirting, or at least i think so. Im not the smartest when it comes to this stuff. He's even been invading my dreams.

-(DREAM:   Steve has his body pressed up against mine as we lay on the bed with him over top me. Our legs intertwined, my hands in his hair, his hand slowly tracing up my stomach, raising my shirt in the process. We kiss hungrily, needing each other. Both of our chests heave quickly,  trying to catch our breath. He moves his kisses down my neck to my collarbone. I moan as he finds the spot that causes more pleasure than the rest. I can feel him smile at this. I grind my hips up into him, feeling him against me. His breath hitches for a moment. "Fuck, Kas" I bring him in for a kiss smiling at the fact I can make him feel like this. His hand slowly slides down to the top of my pants. With one hand he unbuttons and unzips them while keeping himself propped up with his other. Slowly he slides his hand into my pants then........

I shoot up so im sitting up in bed and wide awake in a sweat, breathing heavy. "Fuck!" I say bring my knees up. I run my fingers thru my hair. I can't help but smile thinking about the dream. I need a cold shower right now or I'm never going to get any sleep. Without a shower I'm stuck using the lake. It only the first week of April so that water is going to be pretty cold still. Should work like a charm. I bring a towel from my bag along with a change of clothes. With a flashlight, I walk to the water's edge. The gate is on the opposite end of the lake. It's far enough away that it's hard to see. I check my watch and see that it's 4:45 am. No one is out now but I better get this done before everyone starts to wake up. I strip down and decide to run in and dive. Won't be as cold for as long that way. The water hits me like a ton of sharp nails piercing all over my body. Yep that will do it. I using all my energy to keep from yelling out. I do a quick wash and rinse and jump out throwing the towel around me and quickly drying off. I pull out underwear and a bra. Of course they had to be my lacy matching special occasion pair. I normally only wear them for know but at this point i didn't care, just wanting to get dressed and warm up. I pull on a pair of jeans and my boots and find a black sweatshirt to throw on. Finally I'm warming up. I do a quick Mohawk braid to get my cold hair off my face and neck. I head back up to the shack and throw my bag down. I might as well get up at this point. I think it's time to concentrate on looking into which access point One might come through.

I grab my flash light and pocket knife and hop in my car. I drive out of the woods and head towards town. I notice one of the gates to the upside down up ahead and decide to park a bit away from it and just walk from here. Don't need people noticing, even though this place seems like everyone has left. I threw on my Walkman. Prince's When Doves Cry comes on.

As I follow the path of the gate , it leads through a small playground and a 3 story Victorian home in the distance. The gate appears to have split the abandoned home in half. I start to approach slowly with my knife out as something feels different here. I can feel his power. I close my eyes and close my mind off to external forces. Hopefully, he hasn't grown powerful enough to see past it and tear it down. Out of nowhere, a hand grabs my arm that is holding the flash light and spins me around. I spin around, ready to attack.

"Woah! Woah! Kas, it's me, just Steve!" Steve yells with his hands up. I throw my headphones off.

"Steve! Jesus Christ! What are you doing?! I could've killed you?! Giving me a damn heart attack!" I yell at him, putting my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

"Me! What?! I had a heart attack! What about you?! What do you think you're doing?! It's not safe here! Are you crazy!" He yelled back, Hands on his hip, catching his breath, throwing his head back pacing.

I finally calm down and look over to see Robin and Dustin. I wave.
"Hey guys."

"What are you doing out here? He's right it's not safe." Dustin asked.

"You're out here." I reply.

"We saw your car. Plus, we've.......never mind. What are you doing?" Dustin pushes. He's seems like he's hiding something. Not the best liar, but now I'm on the spot.

"Just walking..........Couldn't sleep." I say. They stare not believing. Just then, from behind me, a quiet squeal is heard, followed by a growl. The three of them stare behind me, and I slowly turn as the noise gets louder. I look towards the house where the sound is coming from. Then a noise, like something wet, burst open followed by a screech. A black ball flew straight up from the house and opened up. It's one of those damn bats. They gave me the scars on my side. It started flying fast, directly at us. It flies straight at us. I move to the side and as it flys past me, I drop the flashlight and grab its tail, stopping it short of Steve's face, yank it back over my head smashing it to the ground then taking my knife and stabbing it under the mouth and slicing it down, nearly completely in half. It lay there dead and sliced open when a slug looking creature popped out from it. Then, a deep, dark voice.

"I'm coming for you, Kassandra."

I immediately stepped and crushed the slug. "One." I whisper. I look up at them with confused look in awe.

"What the hell was that?!" Robin asks.

"Hard to explain. It's a bat like creature. There is this other pla-" I start.

"We know what the demobats are. How do you?" Dustin interrupts.

"As much as I want the answer to that, can we get out of here and somewhere safer?!" Steve interjects. He's right. What if this is the start? I need my gear.

"Follow me." I say, running back to my car. I keep looking back and expect to see more, but nothing. What was his game. I hop in my car. While they get into Steve's, and they follow me back to my shack.

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