Chapter I 🦂Welcome To The Show

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...tell me what's my purpose, living in the circus here?...

I shot up from my bed- not from a nightmare, from a thought that had been nagging all night.


"This Carnival is my legacy! And I would not jeopardize my-" He slapped his hand down on the table pointing to his right. "Good name, by putting people in danger!"
I knew he was referring to me.

He had no reason to 'jepordize' anybody especially after the family's seemingly "bad luck".


My thoughts took a turn in the opposing direction to recall the opening night.

My Father's business partner may be tall, like 6'2" but I still don't ever hear him coming- even with his boots. Besides, my father has a foot and like 3 inches on him -and that's without his boots and hat. There were a lot of things we saw coming- but, we never thought they would happen... the end of an important legacy.

Bartholomew approached me adjusting his jacket and vest. His sleeve that had been pinned up never quite sat right with the absence of his arm.

"Lady Madison, your father has instructed me to accompany you to the animal menagerie. Please, go get ready and I'll be right here when you return."
Bartholomew told me, proceeding with bowing his head.

A thought ran through my head and I thought it best to bring it to Bartholomew's attention.

"Bartholomew. Surely I cannot enter my father's inner chamber without the means to unlock it first?"
I asked.

"Whatever do you mean?"
He asked.

I pulled my long yet to be braided hair over my left shoulder.

"Marcus—" I began. I still haven't retained inside my head to call him my dad. -Force of habitat... and tragic events. "—didn't give me the coin. How am I to unlock the door?"
I replied.

"That does pose a problem now, doesn't it? Ahh, I will retrieve the coin from Mr. Cochran and return it to your grasp, Lady Madison."
Bartholomew winked before turning and leaving.

I said louder in attempts to stop him in his tracks.

"Yes Miss. Madison?"
He asked lowering his chin to me.

"I- Can you— I, need m-my hair braided."
I stuttered.

"Of course. Let me see if I can't... track down your father so he may do your braids."
He said smiling before turning and walking in the opposite direction as me.

I'm sure he has adopted by now the art of how to be sneaky from spending years with King Of The Carnival.

As Bartholomew faded from my line of vision, I felt anxious. I felt like I was being watched....

'Father, where are you?' -The thought slipped in my head as I became scared.
My hands got warm and sweaty as I rubbed my thumb and index finger against one another.
I hoped Bartholomew would come back soon.

'Please, please Bartholomew.... Come ba—' My train of thoughts was severed by other things.
I heard a maniacal laugh and while I was conditioned to my father's own evil laughter, the laughs of the clowns, -their voices never sent chills up my spine.

Marcus' voice had never scared me and neither had his presence.
I didn't know what to make of this... whatever in the Devil's name was going on before me.

Something was wrong.


I yelled his name but he left so fast.

As I sat down, I was left alone. -Alone regarding Bartholomew's recent exit and not having knowledge as to my father's present whereabouts.

The laughter came again and then again.

"No, no, no, no. This can't be happening—"

I said out of breath.

Then, there was a loud bang.

They were here.


I hadn't even filched at the cover-up name they had given me. It meant nothing to me because my father and Taylor had given me the name Madison -I guess one could say it had been entirely Marcus' idea, he came up with the name and my mother had gone along with it.

"You little shit!" "Ha! You thought it was all over... you thought wrong!"

One voice came.

"You shouldn't be here, Rainey. You are a very very bad child."

Followed by the next one...

(705 words)

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