Chapter XIV🦂The Missing C.C.C

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Would you get my back? Would you take my call if I start to crack- would you rescue me?

Back inside the dimly lit inner chamber of his trailer...

After Father covered me with his jacket, he pulled the collared part of the jacket up to my neck. Upon doing so, the long lapels touched my neck softly. The gentle feeling of my neck and cheek being cradled between the shoulder pad of the jacket and its lapels, was pacifying and I soon closed my ocean blue-green eyes and slipped away to a realm of sleep. It made me remember the bar after opening night...


My head was laid down on Father's broad shoulder atop the light green fabric of his trench coat. The sense of my cheek laid up against the material of the jacket, made me feel safe. I was in Father's arms and all was well.
Black. Blackness.

I wasn't sure if my eyes had opened or if they were still closed. It was just black and... dark, but I awoke.


Morning had come.
The latter of us were up to eat breakfast. Me included.

After eating, I walked along with my Father past the corn dog and cotton candy stands. I took in a breath to speak.

"Father? Where are we going?"
I asked him strolling along.

"I have to stop at one of the trucks."
He said to me.


"Yes, kiddo?"
He said.

"Is the wind-up toy still here?"
I asked him.

"I do believe it is, yes Mads. Why do you ask?"
He said turning to me.

"May I see it, please?"
I said taking a leap forward to keep up with his long strides of his long legs.

His curls sprung up and down as he took each step- one after the last each one bobbing steady to his stride.

"Certainly, Madison."
He answered.

"Where are we going, Father."
I asked with emphasis.

"The staff area. Come along, Tiger."
He told me.

I followed at his side.

Before long, Father came to the trucks. He stopped at one particular and pushed the button in on the metal handle. The spring engaged and the door opened.
He had retrieved a key from the glove box and the clown toy from the seat.
"That's where the toy went! Thankyou Father. I had stopped looking."

"I never did cease to uncover its last residence... When was the last time you were in one of the trucks kiddo?"
He set the toy in my hands.

"That's the thing. I don't recall being in the truck any time recent."
I spoke.

He shut the door of the truck with a squeak.
He said.

"I wasn't in Harold's truck, Father." I gestured to the seat, because this was Harold's truck. "I was in Henry's truck."

Father started.

I could tell he was just as perplexed as I was.

After resuming our journey, we slowed at one of the box cars.
He stepped up onto the lip of the platform and lifted me up onto the base since it was a heap of a step and someone had moved the stepping crate to allowed ease of stepping up to the car.
After he put me down, he smiled- motioning for me to tail behind him and go inside of the room.

There were five large monitors with black and white live video feed of every corner of the carnival- I guess it's safe to say we don't have to worry about anyone sneaking into The Show anymore and trying to steal me, reek havoc and or inflict maham or worse... harm.

What Happened Under The Big Tent (IT'S ALL PART OF THE SHOW SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now