Chapter 11

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And at Gotham City Town Hall on the other side of town, the joint was really jumping.

"And now, here they are! The music world's Dynamic Duo, Chad and Jeremy!" a policeman announced.

Chad and Jeremy got onto the stage with their guitars and sang one of their biggest hits.

Sweet soft summer nights

Dancing shadows in the starry lights

You came for me to follow

And we kissed on distant shores

Catwoman and the kittens were backstage watching the performance.

"Are your see-in-the-dark glasses in order, Meanie Miney Moe?" said Catwoman.

"You bet" said Meanie.

"They sure are" said Miney.

"Ready to go" said Moe.

Chad and Jeremy were about to finish the second chorus.

"Let's get them" Catwoman hissed.

She and the kittens walked onto the stage and Catwoman aimed her voice eraser at Chad and Jeremy's throats and stole their voices.

Chad and Jeremy could no longer speak or sing!

Batman, Robin and the Warriors arrived at the scene too late.

"You said they couldn't get away, Catwoman!" said Meanie.

"And yet, they did. And so will we" said Catwoman.

She blew a whistle and Eenie turned off the lights in the auditorium.

"I can't see!" said Robin.

"Neither can we" said Sam.

"Nor I. But then again, neither can they" said Batman.

"Oh yes we can! Cats can always see in the dark! Especially with these glasses. Come along, kittens. We've done it!" Catwoman cackled. 

"Let's go after them!" Sam snapped.

"Sam, no! You'll get hurt" said Robin holding her back.

"Robin's right. I'm afraid it's too late. We must stay here and restore order. With five thousand screaming teenagers, someone is liable to get hurt" said Batman.

He lit a match and tried to calm the screaming teens down.

"Citizens! Citizens! Hi, kids!" said Batman awkwardly.

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