Chapter 13

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Batman and Robin called the Three Warriors back and went to the Gotham City British Consul General's office.

The general stood up from his desk wearing a three-piece suit and eyeglass. He had grey hair and a walrus mustache.

"Ah, Batman and Robin. Welcome to my humble office. And who might you three be?" he said.

"We are the Three Warriors" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm Sam" 

"I'm Calvin" 

"And I'm Charles Wallace"

"Ah, welcome to my humble office. I am Sir Sterling Habits. How do you do? And what brings you here at such an early hour in the morning" said the man.

"By this time, Sir Sterling, you're aware of the serious tragedy affecting your country's most popular export?" said Batman.

"Have we stopped making those small sports cars?" said Sir Sterling.

"I hope not. I sell those almost every day; they're awesome" said Calvin.

"But we're referring to Chad and Jeremy" said Robin.

"Oh yes, those blighters. Can't understand a word they say. Why can't the English learn to speak?" said Sir Sterling.

"Have you consulted  your government about the ransom demands?" said Sam.

"Oh yes indeed. Parliament is being overtime on it" said Sir Sterling.

"And?" said Robin.

"Well, I'm expecting a telephone call from them any moment now" said Sir Sterling.

As he said that, the phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello? Oh, Harold, how are you? Yes. Uh-huh, quite. You're quite sure? Well, thank you very much indeed. Pip pip" said Sir Sterling.

He hung up the phone and turned back to the crimefighters.

"That was them, or should I say they. Well, it doesn't matter anyhow. They will not exceed to Catwoman's demands. And their feelings about Chad and Jeremy are millions for their records, not a cent for their ransom" said Sir Sterling.

"So they won't rescue their voices?" said Charles Wallace.

"For Chad and Jeremy? Not a penny for those blighters" said Sir Sterling.

"Yes, well, thank you, Sir Sterling" said Batman.

"Not a problem at all" said Sir Sterling.

Another man came in and told Batman and Robin people were waiting to meet them.

"I fear at this moment, time is to precious to spend with our admirers. We must get cracking" said Batman.

"I'm afraid they've all entrances covered, sir" said the butler.

"To the window, Robin. We will use our Batrope while the Three Warriors fly. Cheerio, Sir Sterling" said Batman.

While the Three Warriors flew downward, Batman and Robin climbed down the wall with their Batropes.

Along the way, a window opened and another famous singer was behind it.

"Don Ho?" said Sam.

"What are you doing here in Gotham City?" said Robin.

"Well, I came to get some land we lost I Hawaii" said Don Ho.

"And to do a little singing here in Gotham City I hope" said Batman.

"Well, I brought my most important prop along. It's gotten me as far as your pixie dust has gotten you three" said Don Ho.

"Hey, you should introduce Batropes in Hawaii" said Charles Wallace.

"Not a bad idea. I could pick coconuts much more easily that way" said Don Ho.

"We'd like to sit on the beach and chat with you all day, Don, but..." Calvin began.

"The surf's coming up. We're gonna catch a big one" said Robin.

"Okay, fellas. I understand. Aloha" said Don Ho closing his window.

"Aloha!" the crimefighting group responded together. 

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