8. σн мє σн му

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chapter 8: oh me oh my
this=your thoughts/mind

*2 weeks later*

it was finally time for us to leave this house thing or whatever it is.

over the time of us being here i had made the decision that i would be moving out. this is just too much for me handle.

"YALL READY?" jessi yelled through the house.

i walked out of the room and headed towards the foyer.

once i got there and jessi did a role call before we started our journey upstairs.

after a few minutes we finally made it back to the main house. i immediately went upstairs, to my room, and in the show.

they only had cold water down there, im in need of a hot shower.

skip shower

i was laying in my bed watching Juice. it was on the part where they got finsihing robbing the corner store.

this part always gets me. raheem did not deserve to die.

after watching for a few more minutes my mind started wandering elsewhere.

'i am terrified for my life'

i sighed before pausing the movie and getting up out my bed and going downstairs to the kitchen.

i opened the door to the pantry and walked in, grabbing all the snacks that look good. once i grabbed them all i started to leave out the pantry, but since i had so much stuff in my hands i couldnt turn off the light.

'i aint paying the light bill' i thought to myself before leaving the kitchen and heading back to my room. bit obviously, cant get anywhere in this house without bumping into someone.

most of the snacks fell on the ground, leaving me holding a box of oatmeal pies.

'dont lash out. dont lash out. dont lash out.'

i looked up and made eye contact with a man with burnt skin.

'oh wow. the starter of all my truma.'

"my bad, y/n" he dragged out my name with and creepy smirk.

'he must think he scare me. maybe before, but not no more."

i rolled my eyes before going back into the kitchen and grabbing a plastic bag to put the snacks in, something i should've did the first time.

when i came back he was still there. but this time someone joined him.

'oh wow. the abuser'

i sighed before crouching downc picking up the snacks and putting them in the bag.

i was trying to ignore freddy as he talked michaels head off. it was sorta working until i heard a crash.

i looked up and saw freddy laying on top of a now broken table. i looked at michael and he looked at me before walking away.

'that's what his annoying ass get.'

i finished up before walking back upstairs and back to my room, where i was met with one male laying on my bed, another male looking out my window, and my closet light on.

"oh, CARRIE SHE BACK!" the one on my bed all, making the girl come out of my closet, shuting off the light and closing the door behind her.

"i heard her stu, u dont have to yell." she said as she walked over to my bed.

"why are yall here?" i ask as i walked over to my side of the bed.
"guys, i dont think she wants us here." billy said as he walked over from the window and jumped on the bed.

"we were bored. sooo we came to see what u were doing but u werent in here so we just stayed and waited."

"ok." i said as i unpaused the movie. "yall want some snacks?" i said, they obviously excepted.

"what is this?" carried asked me.
"the snack or the movie?"

"the movie, obviously."

"its Juice. yall aint never seen this before?" i asked and they all replied with the same answer.


"restart it. it looks interesting." stu asks, so i do.


the movie was now over.

"well i just don't understand why he even tried to help him. he was literally trying to kill him half of the movie." carrie said.

"right, like he killed the cashier for no reason, killed one of your friends infront of you, shot the other one, and then tried to end you. i just would never let that happen." stu said.

"yes you would." billy yawned.

"i wanna watch spongebob. that movie shook me up." carrie said.

'how tho?'

"if we watching spongebob we watching the movie." stu said.

"no, the show." carrie said back.

"the movie."

"the show."

"the movie."

"the show."

"the movie."

"the movi- WAIT NO!"


i laughed before putting on the spongebob movie.

#later later

the movie was now over and everyone was sleep.


"anytime." i replied outloud. i put on boondocks and watched a few episode before falling asleep.

but before i felk into a deep sleep i felt this weird feeling. like i was being transported to a different dimension. a similar feeling i felt on my first night here.

'oh me oh my.'

i needed to find somewhere to add the title. so why not at the end.

i aint read over it btw

and this chapter was very boring. i apologize for that.

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