Contacts | Keefe

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The party...ugh. I had been so hyped up about it, but now that Sophie and Fitz are a thing, I kind of detest it. I know I shouldn't blame Fitz - after all, Sophie is also choosing him - but I still hate it. I hate it. I hate it with all my gut. I hate it!

That's why I left the party early.

Dex knew why I wanted to leave, and he didn't stop me. I guess he's a really nice person after all. I'll probably spend more time with him. Anyway, now that Sophie's with Fitz, I don't think I can stand sitting at the same table as them. I'll just hurl all over my boots. And that would just make this whole, gigantic, confusing mess worse. 

"Keefe, are you doing your assignments? I don't hear you writing." A male voice travels up the stairs to my room, and I know without having to check that it's my obnoxious dad who cares more about my grades than me. I bite back a curse and drag my pencil across the pile of paper in front of me, making a screeech. The lead breaks, so I throw the pencil aside.

"That loud enough for you?" I yell.

"With this attitude, Keefe, you're not going to do well in school. The next assignment you get back, I expect to see full marks." Then I hear footsteps pounding up each step, before my door is pushed open roughly. I see my dad's fuming face peeking in and lean back smugly. "What attitude are you talking about? The only attitude I see here is yours."

"Why - you -" my dad splutters, and it's all I can do not to burst out laughing. Rolling my eyes, I shove the door close before he can do anything, and I hear him stumble and trip down the stairs, before there's a loud oomph.

Yeah, I'm laughing all right. I pick up my phone and and prepare to call Sophie (to tell her about this not-to-be-missed hilarious incident), but as my fingers hover over the screen, I stop to think. 

She isn't going to want to have anything to do with me anymore. After all, she's with Captain Perfect, who's all "look at me, I'm so hot". Is she even going to talk to me ever again?

Maybe it's time to make a move. I know it's probably wrong, since now they're dating...but if I wait forever, she's never going to realise that she's meant to be mine, and I'm meant to be hers. It's now or never. Now or never. This is my chance. This is my chance, right here. I need to seize it, or it's going to slip out of my grasp. Sophie and Fitz's relationship is still new, there's still hope for Sophie to realise that she's not supposed to be with him.

Actually, that sounds a bit harsh. I shouldn't be hating on my best friend just because he's with my crush. It's wrong. Ugh! What will it ever take for me just to be happy, for once? Happy with Sophie, not for her?

In my frustration and boiling anger, I rip out the contacts from my eyes. Which hurts, granted, but I can't take it anymore. If only she had seen me without them the moment I met her, she wouldn't be with Fitz right now. I don't think so, at least.

Maybe it's time. 

But before I can think more into the decision, the doorbell rings. I can hear my dad on the phone in his room, so I go to open it. I pull the door open to see who it is  - actually, more like yank it - and the person standing on the other side makes my heart stop. 

It's Sophie, damn it!

I'm not wearing my contacts.

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