Imagine 6 (Sky x Reader)

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Prompt: While outside the barrier with Sky Y/n, Bloom's sister, gets attacked by a burned one, and ends up dying in Sky's arms.

Y/n and I sat on a tree trunk just outside of the barrier. We heard a growl. We assumed it was Riven because he knew where we were. "Why do we even have to take an American history class?" I asked Y/n.

"I don't know. We already know a bunch of other history. Might as well know all of it," she said.

"But it is so confusing. Some of the Americans claim that the British fire the first shot, some of the British say it was the Americans, and some of the others think it was an accident based on miss communication. Also what makes it harder is we don't even know what's considered the first shot of the revolution!" I yelled.

"Well, lost of historians believe that the first shot was at the battle of Lexington and Concord, while some people believe it was during the Boston massacre, which is believed to no even really have been a massacre because in many sources the Americans were defending themselves and supposedly started the whole thing by throwing rock filled snowballs at the redcoats," she said. She looked so into it. It was cute. I lifted her chin to face me and gave her a small peck on the lips.

"Your cute when you get all focused on something," Sky said.

"I grew up in America, Bloom and I already learned this stuff," she said.

"Well then this is totally unfair!" I yelled.

"Why do you think I'm helping the teacher and Bloom's not even taking this class?" She asked. I just shook my head. We heard the growl this time louder.

"Riven that's enough!" I yelled.

"That's not Riven, he's with Beatrix, he just sent me a Snapchat with her," she said.

"He probably sent you an old photo he has in his camera roll," I told her. Then a burned one jumped out from the tree. Y/n jumped in-front of me to stop it. She then threw a fire ball at it. I then came behind and jabbed it with my sword. It ran towards Y/n still with my sword dangling from it back. It went up and slashed her to bits.

It attacked so fast by the time I got to her it was gone. She was bleeding badly. I held her against my chest. "Don't go! Don't go!" I begged. I felt her breathing stop.

A/n: fun fact about me I love writing and reading sad things. I don't know why. Something is definitely wrong with me.

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